RT @KyivPost@twitter.com
Today, #Putin attacked President #Zelensky's Jewish heritage, claiming that he had "many Jewish friends" who viewed Zelensky as a "disgrace".
Meanwhile, the Israeli newspaper #TheJerusalemPost came out with this cover: "50 most influential Jews. Our brightest stars." https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1669793393273085957
#putin #zelensky #thejerusalempost
It's incredible to see the protests in Jerusalem against the government's so-called #JudicialReform program.
I just hope #Netanyahu pays attention, and backs down. I'm not holding my breath though. 🇮🇱
In pictures: Hundreds of thousands Israelis protest judicial reform - #Israel News - #TheJerusalemPost
#judicialreform #netanyahu #israel #thejerusalempost
#Egregissimo #Direttorre de @laverita, ci vogliono dire qualcosa quelli del #TheJerusalemPost?
Perché se anche #Replubblica riprendere la notizia, la cosa è piuttosto rilevante, non trova?
#Egregissimo #Direttorre #thejerusalempost #replubblica #QuidEstVeritas