RT @joyofcruising
Emma at 23 in #TheJoyOfCruising http://amzn.to/2EAMddF after she won UK’s Wave Award for Favorite Cruise Blogger for #CruisingIsntJustForOldPeople. @emmacruises at 28 in #TheJoyOfCruisingAgain http://amzn.to/3lAfyON as a global cruise personality. http://www.thejoyofcruisingpodcast.com Thurs!
#thejoyofcruising #cruisingisntjustforoldpeople #thejoyofcruisingagain
Joe’s story is one of my absolute favorites from Paul’s books.
RT @joyofcruising
The Joy of Cruising Podcast Even if you’re not a cruiser, or a runner, Joe Church’s story is truly amazing and inspiring. Read about it in #TheJoyOfCruising http://amzn.to/2EAMddF; hear Joe here ##running #cruise
"Joe Church: Marathoner of the Seas" at https://www.buzzsprout.com/2113608/12306287
#thejoyofcruising #running #cruise
RT @joyofcruising
http://www.thejoyofcruisingpodcast.com 3/30 @DanaHFreeman‼️Featured in #TheJoyOfCruising http://amzn.to/2EAMddF While a world traveler/travel writer who transcends cruising, Dana’s story, Cruising With Grandma was the most moving and poignant one I had the privilege to write about in the books