Third #TOTP play for this #TinaTurner video.
Remember how #TheKaneGang were on a big stage? #AFlockOfSeagulls need that space, not this pokey side-stage.
MTV's favourite band don't give a good performance, the lead singer never looks deep into the right camera and comes across as well shifty. Desperate shame, "The more you live the more you love" is a fabulous lost classic. (And not just because sister played it all summer.)
#aflockofseagulls #thekanegang #tinaturner #totp
#TOTP had already shown the official #Prince video for "When doves cry" twice, this clip from "Purple Rain" is a bit different.
#TheKaneGang with a masterclass in poor staging. "Closest thing to heaven" is an intimate song, it needs three people huddled around a candle, not three people observing social distancing on a stage the size of Simon Bates' ego. Desperate shame, it's a proper classic.
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow
The Kane Gang:
🎵 Closest Thing To Heaven
#nowplaying #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow #thekanegang
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #SteveLamacq
The Kane Gang:
🎵 Closest Thing To Heaven
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