@w7fsc @N0ZB OMG. I had the sedan version of that when I was a kid (hand-me-down from the other side of the family). Definitely old-tech, but at least by '67 it had dual master cylinder braking and a PCV valve ("road tube" before that year). Those were not bad cars. Even if the wipers ran by engine vacuum and the washer fluid was a foot pump. #TheKidsToday think I'm kidding ...
The kids and their friend drew up plans to tax Elon Musk back to Earth on the way home from day camp today. Before collectively conking out for a well-earned nap, they concluded:
We need to remake the system!
No, no, I have a better idea - we need to erase the system and start again!
#thekidstoday #thekidsarealright
@b0rk Ugh. There's a similar backronym for ping as well. One is for digging stuff out of the DNS and the other is for making sonar-like explorations of the network. #TheKidsToday are being lead to believe that it's about groping. Bleah.
@N3VEM "#TheKidsToday and their college loans. When I was in school, I paid my tuition working at the gas station over the summer. It was tough in '73 with the gas shortages, let me tell ya. But I made it by working weekends bagging groceries to make up the difference."
Narrator voice: Everything is self-service now and tuition is $5000/semester.
In fact, there is an Emergency! ep where a guy chokes on a pull tab while the squad is attending to another patient.
#TheKidsToday will never know the danger we all faced Back In The Day.
#happytohavesurvivedthe70s #thekidstoday
@croyle I am uncomfortably close to 60 (weeks!) but I'd say that maybe 50 is a better cut-off. *I* am not a good barometer of what #TheKidsToday really want from a national amateur radio group so it needs to be a younger bunch making the suggestions, offering solutions, and eventually steering the ship.
Even if the cut-off were 65, I think, if asked, most people would agree that selling the ARRL Forklift would be a good idea.
@loriemerson Cliff is K7TA. The Cuckoo's Egg was great. And great for very early internet history for #TheKidsToday.I guess I read it around the time of that quote, come to think of it.
@va3db @wd9ewk Me too. As an older white guy I am fairly confident that #TheKidsToday are *not* interested in hanging around w/older white folks (no matter how cool we are). So maybe find a few that can tolerate the experience & get them to infiltrate their friends? :-) I mean, radio is still radio, so there should be some kids that say "... hey ... wait ... how does that work?"
``Hint: Top 40 radio was built by high school studentsβ requests and dedications. ''
I keep thinking back to this. Could it be done today? Forget, for a minute that medium wave AM radio doesn't have the best audio, think about the "shared experience" aspect that is missing from entertainment media today. Might work if you can engage #TheKidsToday
As the author notes, it's not like there is anything for AM station owners to lose.
@VE2UWY It's slightly more nuanced than a lot of folks give it credit for.
There are laws that require companies in China to cooperate with intelligence services.
As such, banning TikTok from gov-owned devices is a reasonable precaution, a normal and appropriate action in any organization's network infrastructure, regardless of one's stance on the app itself.
Banning it for a state or country's residents? That's #TheKidsToday crap.
The only reason I care is that it sets a bad precedence.
Hampered in this because I really don't care, but is the problem with TikTok that it's run by our friends, the PRC? Or is the problem that the olds just don't like #TheKidsToday what with their iPods and their hippity hop?
#toooldtocarereallybutcurious #thekidstoday
@k5dru #TheKidsToday don't answer the phone for the same reason us older kids don't: their cars' extended warranties haven't expired either.