Today's #ElizabethDaily favorite #horror #Kindle #ebooks on sale:
It's classic horror day!
The King In Yellow by Robert W. Chambers (you've heard it referenced a million times--now's your chance to read it!) $1.99
Fighters of Fear: Occult Detective Stories ed. by Mike Ashley (William Hope Hodgson, Seabury Quinn, Jules de Grandin & more!) $1.99
#HorrorBooks #AmReading #BookToot #Bookstodon #Bookwyrm #RobertWChambers #TheKingInYellow #PulpHorror
#elizabethdaily #horror #kindle #ebooks #HorrorBooks #amreading #BookToot #bookstodon #Bookwyrm #robertwchambers #thekinginyellow #pulphorror
I have an unhealthy obsession with The King In Yellow. The idea that a written work has the power to drive those who read it mad is terrifying. Robert W Chambers work is significant because now, thanks in part to HP Lovecraft, we see iterations of The King In Yellow everywhere. The madness is pervasive, like a force of nature moving slowly across the landscape of our collective consciousness.
#thekinginyellow #hplovecraft #robertwchambers #cosmichorror #atomiccityart
#atomiccityart #cosmichorror #robertwchambers #hplovecraft #thekinginyellow
Loot from the #UsedBook sale at my local #library.
#TheForeverWar by Joe Haldeman
#FuzzyNation by John Scalzi
#ADarklingSea by James L. Cambias
3 Fantasy books by #MercedesLackey, who I've never read, but my wife recommends
2 Fantasy books by #SMSterling that I got explicitly because he thanked #RobertChambers and #TheKingInYellow in the acknowledgements.
A 1939 "Poetry and Prose for Enjoyment" Collection and a Spanish-English dictionary.
#usedbook #library #theforeverwar #fuzzynation #adarklingsea #MercedesLackey #smsterling #robertchambers #thekinginyellow #bookstodon
In my opinion, the pinnacle of DMing a #PenAndPaper #TTRPG is when the game becomes so vivid that it bleeds into the players’ reality, like when one of my players dreamt of #TheYellowSign and #TheKingInYellow after a #CallOfCthulhu session or a player passed a location her character visited in #Kult and found herself feeling suspicious because of what had happened in the game! #MindsEye
#penandpaper #ttrpg #theyellowsign #thekinginyellow #callofcthulhu #KULT #mindseye
Next year is ante portas and in #2023 I plan on playing the following #PenAndPaper #TTRPGs:
1. More #Kult ! Including #OneOnOne sessions.
2. More #CallOfCthulhu ! Because #TheKingInYellow is The One True King!
3. #Dialect ! More on this later!
4. #UnknownArmies
5. #Cyberpunk2020
6. Liminal_ not to be confused with Liminal
7. #Dune
8. #StarWars Age of Rebellion!
9. #Warhammer #40k #DarkHeresy or #Deathwatch
Also, I like using too many # and !
But when #WerewolfTheApocalypse comes out… RRAAWWR
#penandpaper #ttrpgs #KULT #oneonone #callofcthulhu #thekinginyellow #dialect #UnknownArmies #cyberpunk2020 #dune #starwars #warhammer #40k #DarkHeresy #Deathwatch #werewolftheapocalypse
#callofcthulhu #ttrpg After #MasksOfNyarlathotep I wanted to explore the other highly mysterious entity of the #cthulhu #mythos namely #thekinginyellow often seen as an aspect of #hastur. I have been a bit obsessed with #theyellowsign and #carcosa and therefore I wanted to go back to the source for an epic campaign around Hastur. The core of the campaign is #TattersoftheKing but before that I nested #TellMeHaveYouSeenTheYellowSign? and #Tatterdemalion the seminal modules, one within the other.
#callofcthulhu #ttrpg #masksofnyarlathotep #cthulhu #mythos #thekinginyellow #hastur #theyellowsign #carcosa #tattersoftheking #tellmehaveyouseentheyellowsign #tatterdemalion
Latest illustration for Cosmic Horror Monthly. I just love an evening at the OH GOD IT WEARS NO MASK
#illustration #penandink #thekinginyellow
#thekinginyellow #penandink #illustration
Latest illustration for Cosmic Horror Monthly. I just love an evening at the OH GOD IT WEARS NO MASK
#illustration #penandink #thekinginyellow
#thekinginyellow #penandink #illustration
Releasing something TOMORROW ❌
#carcosa #thekinginyellow #robertwchambers #gamedev #indiedev #synth #ambient #poetry
#poetry #ambient #synth #indiedev #gamedev #robertwchambers #thekinginyellow #carcosa
#SevenBooks that made me who i am today:
#sevenbooks #thekinginyellow #hagakure #theinferno #throughthelookingglass #theethicalslut #theartofpeace #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy
Have you seen the Yellow Sign?
#sfw #chambers #yellowsign #thekinginyellow #lovecraftian #eldritch #gothic #weird #symbol #magic #mythos
#thekinginyellow #lovecraftian #eldritch #symbol #gothic #mythos #sfw #chambers #yellowsign #weird #magic