82 years ago:
The Lady Eve (US)
It's no accident when wealthy Charles falls for Jean. Jean is a con artist with her sights set on Charles' fortune. Matters complicate when Jean starts falling for her mark. When Charles suspects Jean is a gold digger, he dumps her. Jean, fixated on revenge and still pining for the millionaire, devi...
#TheLadyEve #BarbaraStanwyck #HenryFonda #CharlesCoburn #Paramount #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theladyeve #barbarastanwyck #henryfonda #charlescoburn #paramount #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Sorry Not Sorry but Stany and Henry did it best🤷🏽‍♀️
#TCMParty #TheLadyEve
Eugene Pallette’s silver cymbals slamming temper tantrum for breakfast is a whole mood. #TheLadyEve #TCMParty
Stany in “The Lady Eve”💕 #TCMParty #TheLadyEve #BarbaraStanwyck
#tcmparty #theladyeve #barbarastanwyck
“Wouldn’t you care to come in, and see Emma?”
“Well, THAT’S a new one!”
These censors were dumb as dirt. Thank God.
#TheLadyEve #TCMParty
“Ah, now how about this one? How would you like THAT hanging on your Christmas tree? Oh, you wouldn’t? What IS your weakness brother?”
It’s amazing what some screenwriters could get past the censors. #TheLadyEve #TCMParty
Here for “The Lady Eve”
#TCMParty #TheLadyEve #ScrewballComedy
#tcmparty #theladyeve #screwballcomedy
#TheGeneral (Buster Keaton)
#dawnofthedead #lotrtrilogy #blacksabbath #theroadwarrior #thebreakfastclub #bringiton #thething #jaws #evildead2 #carnivalofsouls #nightofthecreeps #theladyeve #thegeneral
“I need him like the axe needs the turkey.”
Barbara Stanwyck in The Lady Eve
#theladyeve #prestonsturges #barbarastanwyck #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#theladyeve #prestonsturges #barbarastanwyck #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
NYJ, born one week before the first broadcast of The Mickey Mouse Club, proud of and excited by living in the second most diverse city in the world. #TheFly #TheFly #JeffGoldblum #InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers #InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers #TheThing #TheThing #AssaultOnPrecinct13 #MyDarlingClementime #TheLadyEve #AMightyWind #BestInShow #mutts #TheReplacements #rupellsparrots #LordKitchener #RayDavies #Cabaretta #congee #TheVillageGreenPreservationSociety #KimonoMyHouse #TheSwordInTheStone #pretzels
#pretzels #theswordinthestone #kimonomyhouse #thevillagegreenpreservationsociety #congee #cabaretta #RayDavies #lordkitchener #rupellsparrots #TheReplacements #mutts #bestinshow #amightywind #theladyeve #mydarlingclementime #assaultonprecinct13 #thething #invasionofthebodysnatchers #jeffgoldblum #thefly
NYJ, in audience when Adam West, as Batman, played Shea Stadium, all my surviving family think arguing at Thanksgiving dinner is disruptive. #tourists #HudsonRiverPark #TheLadyEve #JimBackus #AlanArkin #PeterFalk #eastcoastoysters #GlobalEntry #insulin #jellybelly #ThatFatalGlassOfBeer #RichardLester #JacquesTourneur #DonSiegel #ThePajamaGame #TheTallT #BobNewhart #Highway61Revisited #Roadrunner #AMRadio #WMCAGoodGuys #Provence #Osaka #TheCandyHouse #BarchesterTowers #BroadwayDannyRose
#broadwaydannyrose #barchestertowers #TheCandyHouse #osaka #provence #wmcagoodguys #amradio #roadrunner #highway61revisited #BobNewhart #thetallt #thepajamagame #donsiegel #jacquestourneur #richardlester #thatfatalglassofbeer #jellybelly #insulin #globalentry #eastcoastoysters #peterfalk #alanarkin #jimbackus #theladyeve #hudsonriverpark #tourists
My family made it A Very Criterion Birthday đź“€
#FilmMastodon #Criterion #CriterionCollection #Blu-ray #PhysicalMedia #TheAwfulTruth #ThePhiladelphiaStory #TheLadyEve #Holiday #CaryGrant #KatharineHepburn
#katharinehepburn #carygrant #holiday #theladyeve #thephiladelphiastory #theawfultruth #physicalmedia #blu #criterioncollection #Criterion #FilmMastodon
Me, when people say they don't like black and white movies
#henryfonda #theladyeve #classicfilm