Searching for images of obverse of coins struck in Mercia during #Athelfled. Perhaps some #TheLastKingdom fans can help? #DestinyIsAll.
From: @virtuosew
#athelfled #thelastkingdom #destinyisall
Finally watched all of #thelastkingdom last night and I would highly recommend it. Some of it is based on real life but some of the events are fictional. Still if you like historical drama with some Vikings and Saxons then give it a watch.
#thelastkingdom #destinyisall #uhtred #lordofbeddenburg
El pasado viernes me terminé la serie de #Vikings y la verdad es que me gustó bastante.
Cerca del final de la 4º temporada "pasa algo" que pensé a ver cómo sigue la serie ahora y oye, muy bien llevado y con buenas tramas.
Total que después de eso y ya con el modo de vikingos me empecé a ver la de "El último reino" que está basado en una serie de novelas de "Las historias de Saxon" que cuenta la historia de un joven noble sajón es capturado por los daneses y éste acaba viviendo con ellos y creciendo bajo el nombre de Uhtred Ragnarsson y debido a una serie de sucesos va en busca de venganza de ciertas cosas que le pasa a su familia danesa.
No me está gustando tanto como me gustó la de Vikings pero como tiene ciertas similitudes me la estoy viendo y está bastante entretenida.
PD: Normal que se parezcan y tengan similudes pues las historias de ambas están muy cercanas cronológicamente XDDD.
Del autor de #TheLastKingdom llega la nueva serie #TheWinterKing.
Transmitiéndose el 20 de agosto en #MGM+.
#thelastkingdom #thewinterking #mgm
It’s great to see how the own point of view changes when seeing a TV-series, reading the books then, listening to the audiobooks afterwards and finally seeing the series again.
Everything you perceive is more intense and you evaluate many scenes in a different way compared to the first view. Great experience with a great source and a great series!
#thelastkingdom #bernardcornwell #thesaxonstories
This meme irks me. Uhtred > than whoever those two mere humans think they are. Especially that goofy blond chick. 😎 #thelastkingdom #gameofthrones
#thelastkingdom #gameofthrones
Ayer acabamos #TheLastKingdom y se ha convertido posiblemente en mi serie de vikingos favorita. Menudo vacío existencial 😔 Voy a echar de menos a Uhtred (en esta casa se le llama Cutre).
#TheLastKingdom is like a warm hug of plotting and handsomeness but #ReservationDogs is life 😍 #RezDogs
#RezDogs #ReservationDogs #thelastkingdom
寝る前にThe Last KingdomのS05E10を見た
#netflix #thelastkingdom #imdb
TV seriesは今回で終了したものの、先日、この続きの映画も公開に、いづれそれも見る予定に
#imdb #thelastkingdom #Netflix
#Detectorists meet #TheLastKingdom ?
Alfred the Average? Court case coins may alter the view of a king
The final chapter of the #TheLastKingdom saga was 90 minutes of blah that ended in a spectacular battle scene. Uhtred also looked very youthful for a man of 79. Time must have worked differently in the 10th century.
My grade: B- (The battle scene saved it from being a C.)
#thelastkingdom #sevenkingsmustdie
#MovieNight tonight is The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die. We've watched the entire series and now the story concludes. #Uhtred is back.
#movienight #uhtred #thelastkingdom
I watched Seven Kings Must Die yesterday and now I just want to rewatch the whole series. I miss this show…Uhtred son of Uhtred!!!
Watched #SevenKingsMustDie It could easily have been made into another series instead of squishing A LOT into just under 2 hours. But I loved it nevertheless. The jeopardy of knowing that Uthred would have to be killed off or fans would still clamour for more, made for tense viewing 🫣 & the battle scenes were truly epic. What a brilliant cast & crew! And what an incredibly emotional ending! Can’t wait to watch it again! ⚔️ 👑 #TheLastKingdom #BernardCornwell #AlexanderDreymon #MarkRowley
#sevenkingsmustdie #thelastkingdom #bernardcornwell #alexanderdreymon #markrowley
@Galehawk Awww paywalled. Also awesome spoiler for #SevenKingsMustDie #TheLastKingdom
#thelastkingdom #sevenkingsmustdie