It’s been a while but finally got back to some writing today. The Avoidable Orphan is nearly done and will be out in print and ebook later this year.
‘We’re scaring away a leopard,’ he explained. She didn’t move, but she looked at him as he smiled.
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
Simoné threaded her fingers through his. “I think they understand that they are finally home.”
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
Trying something different tonight.
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
“She put her hand inside his, and Ishe put her trunk on top of both.”
#thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting #Writingcommunity #Elephant #Conservation
#thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting #writingcommunity #elephant #conservation
When the first dog broke into the clearing with the handler running hard behind, there was no way even the most experienced tracker could tell what had gone on in the small clearing.
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
“And once those tusks are calved by the experts craftsman, then you can add a few zeroes onto the end of that per tusk. “
It’s from the villains chapter - so not nice…
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
“Their heads tossing the chunks of mud into the air and then sliding their grey bodies in the mud, they sat down at the waters edge, and splashed with their snouts.”
Can’t believe I don’t have a picture of #warthogs playing in mud!
#Writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
#warthogs #writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
They heard the dogs yelping in the distance, and knew that help was on its way, even if it was a little late.
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
“No worries,” she said, “when you are done we can look at Kai’s foot and we can make the call if we move on today or tomorrow.”
#Writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting #elephant #africa #conservation #wildlife
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting #elephant #africa #conservation #wildlife
“You just take care,” Mfiso said, “set extra guards around the clock, because you are not alone out here.”
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
Thinking about it, I could be whittling or some other useless past time at night when G is writing letters to his darling wife.
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
Her life and mine are on parallel lines just 20 years apart … incredible!
#Writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting #iamwriting
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
Beyond those mountains was home.
#lastsentence #wip #workinprogress #Writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
#lastsentence #wip #workinprogress #writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
“Always here, she is always the first one to …”’ Josie never finished as Isha showered him with water from her trunk, inviting him to join in the fun.
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
They cannot live in the wild as they are not wild, but they cannot go into a circus either, these elephants have to stay in Africa where they belong. And be free to be a herd.’
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #auswrites #iamwriting
Age had almost fully disintegrated the cloth and leather that was wrapped around it, and white ants had done their share of damage to what would have been the butt.
#writerscommunity #iamwriting #thelastsentance
“Rest for them tomorrow,” Simon said. “After a day and a night of moving they will need to graze and chew their cud, get energy to pull the wagon again.”
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance #iamwriting
Last night I started the page writing of the historical timeline in my WIP. Usually when I get to this point it takes me a good few weeks to put the first draft on paper... Shaun and I were chatting and we decided a good way for you all to follow and be part of the journey, is for me to share the last line I write each night... so...warts and unedited - Monday's last line:
“Good, my fathers last letter came postmarked from there. I have it here with me. It’s says that he was going to head further north, towards Crooks Corner, and then north into Southern Rhodesia.”
How is you next story going?
#writingcommunity #thelastsentance