The image is of the old building in Kuala Lumpur known as Carcosa Seri Negara. 3 years ago I GMed #TheLaundry #RPG session with my colleagues where players play Capital Laundry Services (Malaysia) agents investigate a pending spike in thaumic energy there. I finally completed the play write-up today!
Includes a Bahasa Melayu-English glossary at the end.
#thelaundry #rpg #thelaundryfiles #ttrpg
Seen today in Museo Nacional de Historia, Mexico City: authentic Acolhua #tzompantli discovered in 1993 with five skulls of Spanish conquistadores and seven skulls of their Cempolteca allies
#death #religion #sacrifice #TheLaundryFiles #TheNewManagement
#thenewmanagement #thelaundryfiles #sacrifice #religion #death #tzompantli
Also on The Raspy Raven Gumshoe season @PaulBaldowski takes on @cstross The Laundry Files, detail below, in a scenario called The Disorientation Directive #gumshoe #ttrpg #charlesstross #thelaundryfiles
#gumshoe #ttrpg #charlesstross #thelaundryfiles
Last 5 RPGs I GMed
Next 5 RPGs I want to run
#agon #housesoftheblooded #thelaundryfiles #bladesinthedark #qinthewarringstates #AState #Trophy #BrindlewoodBay #FengShui #callofcthulhu
It's time for a Slow Horses/Laundry Files ttrpg game.
#thelaundryfiles #laundryrpg #SlowHorses
@cstross Just to say welcome to the Fediverse, and thanks for #TheLaundryFiles I'm currently reading Quantum of Nightmares (:*
Charles Stross has an #AO3 page and I want to put my life on hold until I am done devouring it, but I have no time. #TheLaundryFiles #Stross
So I'm currently reading #TheLaundryFiles series by #CharlesStross but at this point only because it's a series of books that I've started. After the third or fourth (I'm now on the 7th) they've begun to get a little too formulaic, and I realise there's a pun there, given the content and premise of the series, and a little tedious to read.
A real shame, as they started out so well.
#thelaundryfiles #charlesstross
Still reading #TheLaundryFiles Managed to get my hands on 6 & 7 earlier, just started reading 6. In between updating my fork of #Mastalab to the latest development version.
Got to go to the shop in a bit to get something for tea (dinner / evening meal). Not sure what, though we had pizza last night (no pineapple), and curry and stir-fry earlier in the week, so I'm really not sure 'er indoors would take kindly to any repeats. Which probably leaves a jacket-spud with some rabbit-food‽;* Or soup!