Friday Night. Win a chess game (15|10 Rapid in the land of us low rated losers/learners) - Fist pump, pop a beer, cue up the Larry Arms.
#swinginutters #teenagebottlerocket #tenfootpole #theataris #thebouncingsouls #thebriggs #thebusiness #thecramps #TheDamned #thedecline #thedickies #thedistillers #thedwarves #theexploited #theflatliners #TheHives #theholymess #thehumpers #thejoykiller #thelawrencearms #thelovedones #themarsvolta #themenzingers #TheMightyMightyBossToneS #theoffspring #thestooges #theuntouchables #TheVandals #thisisastandoff #tomwaits #totalchaos #tsol #undeclinableambuscade #union13 #venerea
@lmolen #SocialDistortion are great - I was just ripping off one of their riffs on a song of my own earlier 😂 Forgot about #X too! I’m a fan of #TheMenzingers but never got on with the voice in #TheLawrenceArms (which I know is sacrilege to some!) Maybe I just haven’t heard the right album. Which one do you recommend of theirs?
#socialdistortion #x #themenzingers #thelawrencearms