Turns out there is a way to describe the dismay and disorientation people feel when they realize the community they thought they lived in isn't there anymore, maybe never was, and a fair percentage of people in it would look the other way if you got hurt, and another percentage would be happy to be the ones who hurt you.

As a member of a people who have had to flee with little more than the clothes on our backs more than once in history, I am concerned that modern people are too wound up in this type of angst to truly perceive how much in danger they are living in red states.

No, it *should* not be this way, but unfortunately it *is* this way and humming and hawing and making excuses got people killed last time. Families destroyed. People vanished and never found. Property burned to the ground, everything lost.

We're there now. We need to acknowledge that is here, and is not far behind.

#thenewinquisition #thelgbtqholocaust #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago