#kubernetes #thelinuxfoundation #training #certification
無意中發現裡面 The Linux Foundation 的7折優惠碼 (IWD23) 還有效到今天(2023-03-10),給剛好有意報讀報考的人
#kubernetes #thelinuxfoundation #training #certification
Now #TheLinuxFoundation will not be publicly shamed (they post from iPhones).
Currently taking a free "Ethics for Open Source Development" course from Linux Foundation so that I can say I did something.
#linux #thelinuxfoundation #ethics
#thelinuxfoundation #ethics #linux
Not sure what happened to my original reply, sorry if duplicate.
That's what Canonical has been trying to do Ubuntu even making it available as default OS. from hardware vendors. Aside from the #snapfu they've done a decent job overall.
I agree that Linux needs an instantly recognizable brand/logo, something like a BMW. But Linux is more akin to branding all 4-door sedans 🚗.
Maybe #thelinuxfoundation can curate a #LinuxOS brand and logo as a direct analogue to Windows / OSX
#snapfu #thelinuxfoundation #linuxos
RT @Bitergia
Great news! @GrimoireLab grows up to power #TheLinuxFoundation's LFX Insights platform 📈http://ow.ly/t2e950ClPNN
RT @Bitergia
What is @GrimoireLab and what makes this project special?
✅ Toolkit behind Bitergia, company started by GrimoireLab developers.
✅ Technology used by organizations & projects such as #Mautic Community or #TheLinuxFoundation CommunityBridge Insights