Le service qui permet aux citoyens de signaler des problèmes à sa Ville (dépôt sauvage, éclairage, suggestion…) s'étoffe, et change de de nom.
« TellMyCity » devient « thelma », vous le verrez après la mise à jour de l'application. 😎
Communiqué officiel ➡️ http://rsvi.mjt.lu/nl3/BhiVp7ZRohOab0GWLMg3vg
#citoyen #application #spallian #thelma #tellmycity
Le service qui permet aux citoyens de signaler des problèmes à sa Ville (dépôt sauvage, éclairage, suggestion…) s'étoffe, et change de de nom.
« TellMyCity » devient « thelma », vous le verrez après la mise à jour de l'application. 😎
Communiqué officiel ➡️ http://rsvi.mjt.lu/nl3/BhiVp7ZRohOab0GWLMg3vg
#citoyen #application #spallian #thelma #tellmycity
#JoachimTrier and his writing partner Eskil Vogt write a beautiful script once again, this time applying their skill and grace to their first genre film - a #Scifi thriller. But #Thelma is much more than that. Instead of going the route of a typical teen superhero flick, Trier and Vogt portray being an adolescent in its truest form - frightening sexuality: massive confusion where you can't trust your feelings or your body & the terror of being in love for the first time. Added here is a big middle finger to organized religion, combined with some show-stopping imagery- especially the snake scene & the underwater pool/lake scenes. Thelma is first and foremost, a love story. It will make a handsome double feature with The Witch as a kind of female empowerment anthem. But instead of being cynical, something to fear and gaze at, girrrl power in Thelma is a sweet, positive and dare I say, life affirming affair. #Norwegiancinema #eiliharboe #kayawilkins
#joachimtrier #scifi #thelma #norwegiancinema #eiliharboe #kayawilkins
【ドバイVlog】直美さん・テルマちゃんと爆笑旅🐫🤣砂漠ツアー/モスク/ラクダライド https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1636654/celebrity/
#alisaUeno #Celebrities #Celebrity #dubai #NAOMI #NaomiWatanabe #thelma #travel #UAE #Vlog #うえのありさ #ドバイ #ドバイVlog直美さんテルマちゃんと爆笑旅砂漠ツアーモスクラクダライド #世界旅行 #旅行 #植野ありさ #植野有砂 #海外旅行 #渡辺直美 #青山テルマ
#AlisaUeno #ドバイVlog直美さんテルマちゃんと爆笑旅砂漠ツアーモスクラクダライド #旅行 #植野ありさ #植野有砂 #海外旅行 #青山テルマ #celebrities #celebrity #世界旅行 #dubai #naomi #NaomiWatanabe #travel #uae #うえのありさ #ドバイ #渡辺直美 #thelma #vlog
Auch heute waren #Thelma und #Louise mehrfach am #Wasserloch. Sie werden uns wohl eine Weile erhalten bleiben. 😊
#NamibCam #Wüste #Namib #LiveStream #Webcam #Pferde #Oryx https://t.co/XhjENQYGU3
#thelma #louise #Wasserloch #namibcam #wuste #namib #livestream #webcam #pferde #oryx
Noch während ich den letzten Beitrag schrieb, kamen sie ins Bild gelaufen. #Thelma und #Louise sind wohl wieder häufiger da. Man möchte ihnen glatt noch ein oder zwei Artgenossen dazugeben. 😊
#Wasserloch #Wüste #Namib #Namibia #LiveStream #NamibCam #Pferde #Oryx
#thelma #louise #Wasserloch #wuste #namib #namibia #livestream #namibcam #pferde #oryx
#Thelma und #Louise sind zurück!
Die zwei #Pferde waren seit 2. April verschollen. Auch eine Wildtierzählung im Herbst fand keine Spur von ihnen. Sie sind aber wohlauf und gut genährt. 😊
Mal sehen, ob sie heute zurückkommen. Bislang sind hauptsächlich #Oryxantilopen da.
#thelma #louise #pferde #oryxantilopen #namibcam #namibia #Wasserloch #wuste #oryx #Strauße
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Amanda Seyfriend and Evan Rachel Wood Are Working on a 'Thelma & Louise' Musical https://jezebel.com/amanda-seyfriend-and-evan-rachel-wood-are-working-on-a-1849985798 #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #amandaseyfriend #thegoldenglobes #evanrachelwood #thelma26louise #amandaseyfried #creativeworks #susansarandon #haileyfeiffer #austinbutler #thelmalouise #calliekhouri #dearedward #geenadavis #thelma
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #amandaseyfriend #thegoldenglobes #evanrachelwood #thelma26louise #amandaseyfried #creativeworks #susansarandon #haileyfeiffer #austinbutler #thelmalouise #calliekhouri #dearedward #geenadavis #thelma
@TheGoshZilla I watched, but was not impressed at all 😅 Remember it as a Thing between #Thelma and #Relic, which also weren't my favorites 😬
:boost_requested: 📚 🔖 :coolwitch: ✨
Starting a thread to share books and reading recommendations for all things pagan, witchy, and occult. Please respond to this post with any titles you'd recommend or want to share, and #boost for visibility. Bonus internet points if you include a summery or start a discussion about the reading materials too! 🤓 :at_ok:
#pagan #witch #witchy #wicca #magick #thelma #spirtuality #druid #tarot #astrology #heathen #KitchenWitch #occult #reading #BookList #MastodonReads #ReadingList #Recommendation #ff #followfriday
#followfriday #ff #recommendation #ReadingList #MastodonReads #booklist #reading #occult #KitchenWitch #heathen #astrology #Tarot #druid #spirtuality #thelma #magick #wicca #witchy #witch #Pagan #boost