@ItzyG one of my favorite quotes of this book:
#BeckyChambers #Wayfarers #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet
#beckychambers #wayfarers #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet
Por supuesto que lo había visto, pero no sabía que era una tendencia propia, y mucho menos que tenía nombre.
Me pareció súper chido lo de las “houses” estilo #Klingon o #HarryPotter
House of Kahn, House of Ninja 🥷, etc.
Kind of reminds me a la “familia” de #TheLongWayToASmallAngryPlanet de #BeckyChambers :blobaww: :blobaww:
#til #voguing #klingon #harrypotter #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet #beckychambers
Currently bouncing back and forth between two different books, one hardcover and one digital book. I like them both, but I keep getting interrupted when I sit down and open The Secret Book of Flora Lea. For that reason, I’m further along in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet.
#TheSecretBookOfFloraLea #PattiCallahanHenry #TheLongWayToASmallAngryPlanet #BeckyChambers #Wayfarers #BookOfTheMonthClub #Kindle #BooksAndCoffee #CurrentlyReading #Bookstodon
#thesecretbookoffloralea #patticallahanhenry #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet #beckychambers #wayfarers #bookofthemonthclub #kindle #booksandcoffee #currentlyreading #bookstodon
Habe eine Rezension über „Der lange Weg zu einem kleinen, zornigen Planeten“ von Becky Chambers geschrieben.🪐
Weil ich so begeistert bin.✨
Link zum Text auf meinem Blog.⤵️
(Leider nur auf Deutsch. Aber gibt ja KI.)
#wayfarer #beckychambers #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet #bookstodon #books #roman #scifi #scifinovel #sciencefiction #ProgressiveFantastik #space #critique #literature #booklove #bücher #bücherliebe #buchtipp #buchempfehlung #rezension
#wayfarer #beckychambers #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet #bookstodon #books #roman #scifi #scifinovel #sciencefiction #progressivefantastik #space #critique #literature #booklove #bucher #bucherliebe #buchtipp #buchempfehlung #rezension
#TheLongWaytoaSmallAngryPlanet: My first foray into cozy #Fantasy/#SiFi and an excellent one to boot. Becky Chambers crafts a rich and diverse universe built around a cast of equally diverse characters.
The crew of the Wayfarer has little internal conflict but that doesn’t mean her universe is completely tame. Species have their own prejudices and and conflicts.
Rosemary is a great character to join the crew with, she is young and naive but not without her own intelligence and hardly ignorant.
#thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet #fantasy
Last Sunday I thought the title of #beckychambers‘ book #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet might be the perfect description of my life experience.
#beckychambers #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet
Just started reading #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet. I badly need a new immersion world. I’d tried this twice before but always too soon after something else that made it not land right. This time I’m in the groove and the mood. Yay! #SFF #SciFi #Wayfarer
#wayfarer #SciFi #sff #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet
Some shows that I enjoy are #DoctorWho, #LegendOfKorra, #HandMaidsTale and the videos of #TheTryGuys on YouTube. I also really like the #StarWars and #Avatar movies.
Some of my favourite authors are #VirginiaWoolf, especially #Orlando, #BeckyChambers, with #TheLongWayToASmallAngryPlanet, and #DouglasAdams of #TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy fame.
Probably forgetting loads, ask me if you find something interesting!
#doctorwho #legendofkorra #handmaidstale #TheTryGuys #starwars #avatar #VirginiaWoolf #orlando #beckychambers #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet #douglasadams #thehitchhikersguidetothegalaxy