Hey look at this
* #JordanPeterson: Critics complain over 'misleading' book cover quotes https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-66520089
* Excerpt Reveal: #TheLostCause by Cory Doctorow https://www.torforgeblog.com/2023/08/14/excerpt-reveal-the-lost-cause-by-cory-doctorow/
* Barbiephonic Forever https://exple.tive.org/blarg/2023/08/16/barbiephonic-forever/ (h/t @jwz)
The American #CivilWar was retold as "#TheLostCause," fought over states' rights, not over the right of the ultra-wealthy to terrorize kidnapped Africans and their descendants into working to death.
This wasn't how they did it in Germany. Nazi symbols and historical revisionism were banned (even the Berlin production of "The Producers" had to be performed without swastikas). The criminals were tried and executed. Every student learned what had been done.