Summer, with a capital "S", is beating down on the northern hemisphere city I live in, and my brain nearly got cooked yesterday.
Cue the Brain DJ's selection β
The Lovin' Spoonful, "Summer in the City" (1966)
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/18/23
#JohnnyRivers #IsobelCampbell #TheKingstonTrio #GratefulDead #PhilPhillipsAndTheTwilights #PhilPhillips #BertJansch #BuffaloSpringfield #StatusQuo #TheGrassRoots #TheHollies #TheLeftBanke #TheLovinSpoonful #TheStooges #TomWaits
#NowPlaying #60smusic #70smusic #50smusic #playlist #music #Mastomusic #oldies #oldiesmusic
#johnnyrivers #isobelcampbell #thekingstontrio #gratefuldead #philphillipsandthetwilights #philphillips #bertjansch #buffalospringfield #statusquo #thegrassroots #thehollies #theleftbanke #thelovinspoonful #thestooges #tomwaits #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #60smusic #70smusic #50smusic #playlist #music #mastomusic #oldies #oldiesmusic
Song of the Day - No 75
The Lovin' Spoonful - Summer in the City
"Summer in the City" is a song by the American pop band the Lovin' Spoonful, written by John and Mark Sebastian and Steve Boone. It was released as a single in July 1966 and was included on the album Hums of the Lovin' Spoonful. The single was the Lovin' Spoonful's fifth to break the top ten in the United States and their only to reach No.β―1
#sotd #songoftheday #music #thelovinspoonful #pop #rock
Day 19: Summer In The City - The Lovinβ Spoonful
#thesonginmymcsheadis #tiddleyompompom #thelovinspoonful #summerinthecity
#REM., Driver 8
#RobWasserman & #DanHicks, Gone With The Wind
#BookerTandTheMGs, Winter Snow
#TySegall, Don't You Want To Know?
#JuniorWells' Chicago Blues Band & #BuddyGuy, Early In The Morning
#BettyEverett, You're No Good
#RoyalTrux, Tight Pants
#GrandmasterFlash & #TheFuriousFive feat. #MelleMel & #DukeBootee, The Message
#Jet, Lazy Gun
#Prince, I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man
#TheLovinSpoonful, Darling Be Home Soon
#thelovinspoonful #prince #jet #dukebootee #mellemel #thefuriousfive #grandmasterflash #royaltrux #bettyeverett #buddyguy #juniorwells #TySegall #bookertandthemgs #danhicks #robwasserman #rem #TheMorningLine
Minor Key . Net Playlist 1/6/23
#FourTops #ArtBlakey #JazzMessengers #RaphaelaGromes #FleetFoxes #HaniaRani #LeilaJosefowicz #HannuLintu #Zimmermann #MissionofBurma #ThePlatters #TheLovinSpoonful #SonHouse #SeanShibe #ScottLaFaro #Galaxie500 #MaxRichter #MariSamuelsen
#nowplaying #jazz #classicalmusic #indiemusic #classicalguitar #60smusic #blues #punkrock
#fourtops #artblakey #jazzmessengers #raphaelagromes #fleetfoxes #haniarani #leilajosefowicz #hannulintu #zimmermann #missionofburma #theplatters #thelovinspoonful #sonhouse #seanshibe #scottlafaro #galaxie500 #maxrichter #marisamuelsen #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #jazz #classicalmusic #indiemusic #classicalguitar #60smusic #blues #punkrock