« MAGIC discovered TeV emission from a GRB for the first time in history! With the detection of #GRB190114C, a new era has started in the TeV domain!
#TeVGRB #GRB190114C #theMAGICtelescopes #theMAGICcollaboration https://t.co/p325kdftxQ »
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« The P199 shift crew just finished their job at the MAGIC site, after almost a month of fruitful observations. In the picture, the shifters are inside the counting house, within the control room where #theMAGICtelescopes are operated and monitored
#MAGICshifters https://t.co/RGeGSnFxSN »
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#themagictelescopes #magicshifters
« and...Ka-boooom!We got it !
#theMAGICtelescopes #theMAGICcollaboration #MAGICATel #MAGICGRB https://twitter.com/astronomerstel/status/1084979845996654593 »
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