UK MP's have no job description, no minimum attendance requirement and no specific service standard! We've seen how MPs like Nadine Dorries can be missing in action for months but still get paid large salaries! This has to change. Please sign your name (UK) - #NadineDorries #ToryScum #ToryCorruption #ParliamentCorruption #GovernmentCorruption #UKGovernment #ThemAndUs #OneRuleForThem
#nadinedorries #toryscum #torycorruption #parliamentcorruption #governmentcorruption #ukgovernment #themandus #oneruleforthem
UK Parliament binned 318 tonnes of subsidised food food last year as foodbanks struggle #LetThemEatCake #ThemAndUs #TheyreLaughingAtUs #CostOfGreedCrisis #CostOfLivingCrisis #HeatingOrEating
#letthemeatcake #themandus #theyrelaughingatus #costofgreedcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #heatingoreating
@skiptomyloulou I posted about this earlier. I’d like to be able to say it’s unbelievable but it’s actually so predictable! Such a sad indictment of the state of the nation. They believe they’re above the law and it would seem that they’re right! #ThemAndUs #NeverTrustATory
Un dels #survivalhorror indies més ambiciosos dels últims anys per fi acaba el seu desenvolupament.
#ThemAndUs va arribar a la seua eixida definitiva el 28 de setembre, després de 4 anys en Early Acces a @Steam.
Ací us parlàvem sobre ell
#videojocs #terror #PC #TerritoriGamer
#survivalhorror #themandus #videojocs #terror #pc #TerritoriGamer
#Them&Us, un #SurvivalHorror japonès d'estil clàssic, rep actualització, i ofereix càmeres fixes o trasera mòbil, a més de nova intel•ligència artificial per als enemics, entre d'altres novetats.
#PC #Windows #TendoGames #videojocs #ThemAndUs
+info 👉
#them #survivalhorror #pc #windows #tendogames #videojocs #themandus