Dang, anyone who says that #Myst was the first CDROM game doesn't even know #Cyan's history.
Edit: embarrasing typo. #SmartphonesAreDUMB
#myst #themanhole #cyan #smartphonesaredumb
Gameplay della versione originale (su floppy) di the Manhole, uno dei primi giochi d'avventura per bambini.
Pubblicato nel 1988, fu poi rilasciato su CD-Rom per MsDos, FmTowns e Pc Engine gli anni successivi
#gameplay #themanhole #adventure #pointandclick
Did y’all know you can call Atrus and other people in The Manhole for iOS???
#TheManhole #Cyan #Myst #EasterEgg #ComputerGames #VideoGames
#themanhole #cyan #myst #easteregg #computergames #videogames