Gizmodo: Episode One of My Adventures With Superman Is Now on YouTube #myadventureswithsuperman #entertainmentculture #supermaninothermedia #humaninterest #themanofsteel #kryptonians #jimmyolden #clarkkent #jackquaid #superman #clarkkun #loislane #toonami #max
#myadventureswithsuperman #entertainmentculture #supermaninothermedia #humaninterest #themanofsteel #kryptonians #jimmyolden #clarkkent #jackquaid #superman #clarkkun #loislane #toonami #max
Gizmodo: My Adventures with Superman Is an Endearingly Fun Love Story #alternativeversionsofsuperman #myadventureswithsuperman #entertainmentculture #supermaninothermedia #loislaneinothermedia #justiceleagueaction #supermanandloislane #cartoonnetwork #themanofsteel #kryptonians #jimmyolsen #warnerbros #clarkkent #jackquaid #superman #loislane #alicelee #toonami #jorel #max
#alternativeversionsofsuperman #myadventureswithsuperman #entertainmentculture #supermaninothermedia #loislaneinothermedia #justiceleagueaction #supermanandloislane #cartoonnetwork #themanofsteel #kryptonians #jimmyolsen #warnerbros #clarkkent #jackquaid #superman #loislane #alicelee #toonami #jorel #max
"Superman Limited Collectors' Edition" (1974)
Superman DC Treasury Edition Vol. 3 No. C-31
If Superman were real he'd have helped put out the Canadian wildfires by now. If you must stay inside, maybe enjoy some old comics and give this benevolent alien a chance to brighten your day.
6/29/23 Open 6:30p until at least 9p. No open containers, please.
#DaytonOhio #BrickAndMortar #UsedBookstore #WorldsOldestComicShop
#Superman #TheManOfSteel #CanadianWildfires @bookstodon
#daytonohio #brickandmortar #usedbookstore #worldsoldestcomicshop #superman #themanofsteel #canadianwildfires