Sunday Discussion: Two Strikes And You’re In Prison Forever
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #InsideStory #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #TheMarshallProject #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #TwoStrikesAndYou’reInPrisonForever #ViceNews #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #insidestory #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #themarshallproject #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #twostrikesandyou #vicenews #youtube
The first link is an essay on the absurd 'rules' that ban and censor books, without rhyme or reason, across different carceral systems. The second allows your to search by state.
#BannedBooks #CarceralCensorship
#themarshallproject #carceralcensorship #bannedbooks