Real_JamesCain · @real_jamescain
1084 followers · 5853 posts · Server

is a rich and fully developed character. His alter-ego, Don Diego de la Vega, was classically trained both in education and swordsmanship in Spain, returned to the territory of California when a dictator threatened its people; thus de la Vega adopted the mantle of Zorro. Unlike most heroes, Zorro *loves* fighting, and often literally does it with a smile on his face. It’s fantastic.

I still cannot understand why the Antonio Banderas movie only briefly nods to the de la Vega storyline and chooses to make the new Zorro, just some dude. May as well name him Bob. Bob Zorro. Hell the George Hamilton Zorro nailed more of the spirit of what Zorro should be.

Also, use of Max Steiner’s theme from the Adventures of Don Juan, *chef’s kiss*.

#zorro #themaskofzorro

Last updated 1 year ago

Danielle Solzman 🎥✡️🎬 · @DanielleSATM
1032 followers · 1556 posts · Server
Dentro De La Batcueva · @dentrodelabatcueva
33 followers · 66 posts · Server

dijo en una reciente entrevista que si le llamaran para una próxima película de , ACEPTARÍA.
Y no solo eso, si tuviese que pasar el manto...le gustaría que el elegido fuera

#antoniobanderas #elzorro #tomholland #themaskofzorro #lamascaradelzorro #zorro

Last updated 2 years ago