SocialMedia is just BrainWashing
Upon which millionaires are in cashing
#couplet #headlinesonnet #themediumisthemessage #themasterstools #audrelorde #headlinepoem #socialmedia #brainwashing
So do not fill out on-line petitions
About this or that “virtue signaling”
They will never change human conditions
As long ‘bout money you’re complaining
#themediumisthemessage #themasterstools #audrelorde #headlinepoem #socialmedia #brainwashing #headlinesonnet
Marshal McLuhan & Audre Lorde
Pointed out how we are impotent
“The medium is the message” it’s said
“The master’s tools won’t [won’t undo his tent]”
#headlinesonnet #themediumisthemessage #themasterstools #audrelorde #headlinepoem #socialmedia #brainwashing
HeadlineSonnet (3-18-23)
Lorde McLuhan
We chatter impotently on twitter
Pointing out the foibles of our system
We are getting increasingly bitter
There’s no cost to tweets (even one billion)
#themediumisthemessage #themasterstools #audrelorde #headlinepoem #socialmedia #brainwashing #headlinesonnet