Wir durften uns vorab den neuen Themenbereich "Mythica" im LEGOLAND Deutschland Resort ansehen. Neben dem neuen Bereich lag der Wing Coaster “MAXIMUS — Der Flug des Wächters“ in unserem Fokus. Wie er uns gefallen hat? Das erfährst du in unserem Artikel.
🇩🇪 https://www.themepark-central.de/legoland-deutschland-wing-coaster-maximus/
🇺🇸 https://tpcr.de/9w
#LegolandDeutschland #Freizeitpark #ThemePark #AmusementPark #MerlinEntertainments #IAAPA #VDFU #ThemedAttraction
#LegolandDeutschland #Freizeitpark #themepark #amusementpark #merlinentertainments #iaapa #vdfu #themedattraction
Neue Europa-Park Achterbahn – Erlebe die Fahrt jetzt auf VEEJOY!
🇩🇪 https://www.themepark-central.de/neue-europa-park-achterbahn-2023/
🇺🇸 https://tpcr.de/9u
#EuropaPark #OHM #Freizeitpark #ThemePark #AmusementPark #VDFU #IAAPA #MackRides #2024 #Croatia #Leisure #ThemedAttraction
Bild ©: Europa-Park
#europapark #ohm #Freizeitpark #themepark #amusementpark #vdfu #iaapa #mackrides #croatia #leisure #themedattraction
Little throwback to when walkthrough attractions ceased to exist and we had to think outside the box! An Alice In Wonderland inspired drive-thru themed attraction I had the pleasure of working on!
#themedattraction #themed #themepark #experience #event #themepark
#themedattraction #themed #themepark #experience #event