Je tombe par hasard sur #TheMeg (sur TF1, j'irai le voir sur Prime vous que j'ai loupé la moitié) juste pour entendre Jason Statham fredonner " Just keep swimming" 👌
Just watched #TheMeg2
I absolutely loved it. Took me right back to being a kid and watching the #SciFi channel film of the week.
It was just pure spectacle! Fun action, solid comedy and a lot of monster shark shenanigans.
#themeg2 #SciFi #themeg #thetrench #jasonstatham #monster #sharks
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 'Meg 2': You're Gonna Need a Bigger Suspension of Disbelief #Jezebel #megasharkversusmechashark #sharksinpopularculture #jonasjasonstatham #greatwhiteshark #jonturteltaub #meg2thetrench #jamescameron #jasonstatham #erichhoeber #benwheatley #megstatham #greatwhite #megalodon #sophiacai #thetrench #chineseco #jonhoeber #themeg #wujing #sharks #titan #films #jaws
#jezebel #megasharkversusmechashark #sharksinpopularculture #jonasjasonstatham #greatwhiteshark #jonturteltaub #meg2thetrench #jamescameron #jasonstatham #erichhoeber #benwheatley #megstatham #greatwhite #megalodon #sophiacai #thetrench #chineseco #jonhoeber #themeg #wujing #sharks #Titan #films #jaws
Gizmodo: Meg 2 Tries and Fails to Be Big, Dumb Fun #entertainmentculture #harrygregsonwilliams #megprimalwaters #meg2thetrench #jasonstatham #benwheatley #jonastaylor #pagekennedy #meggriffin #sophiacai #thetrench #megara #wujing #themeg #films #meg2
#entertainmentculture #harrygregsonwilliams #megprimalwaters #meg2thetrench #jasonstatham #benwheatley #jonastaylor #pagekennedy #meggriffin #sophiacai #thetrench #megara #wujing #themeg #films #meg2
Gizmodo: 10 Shark and Sea Monster Movies to Stream Ahead of The Meg 2: The Trench #itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
#itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
Hello! This is my #introduction
I've had my foundation licence for years but don't use the radio much. Enjoyed bringing morse to the masses when I worked at a local museum.
Interested in #tech #inclusion #accessability #heritage #history #darkhumour #LGBTQ and absolutely rubbish movies like #theMeg and #IndependanceDay
Bit of a voyeur so probably just read toots but hoping I'll get over my anxiety and get involved too
#independanceday #themeg #lgbtq #darkhumour #history #heritage #accessability #inclusion #tech #introduction
#TheMeg was not meant to be particularly intelligible, I know, big shark, big big shark, but those parts were especially nonsensical to me.
I bet Jason Staaaaatham jumps at any opportunity to show off his diving skills.
When you watch an action horror movie and the characters are so annoyingly cliché that you are actually rooting for the shark..
The Meg mit Jason Statham ist endlich im Kino. Der Film basiert zwar auf einem Buch, aber Statham hatte auch im realen Leben schon so seine Sorge mit Haien. Als inoffizieller Biograph der Stathams habe ich alle wichtigen Infos hier niedergeschrieben: #TheMeg #JasonStatham