Ethereum's Lifetime Energy Use Before the Merge Equaled Switzerland's for a Year - If Bitcoin’s energy consumption can be thought of as a skyscraper, Ethereum’s energy use ... - #energyconsumption #technology #themerge #ethereum #news
#news #ethereum #themerge #technology #energyconsumption
Shapella Upgrade Hits, Economist Predicts Biggest Crash ‘in Your Lifetime,’ US Bank Lending Plummets — Week in Review - In crypto news this week, the Ethereum network’s long awaited Shapella upgrade too... - #banklendingplummets #shapellaupgrade #financialcrash #banklending #larrylepard #theweekly #harrydent #elonmusk #themerge #usdvalue
#usdvalue #themerge #elonmusk #harrydent #theweekly #larrylepard #banklending #financialcrash #shapellaupgrade #banklendingplummets
Wired: Ethereum’s Shanghai Update Opens a Rift in Crypto #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/BlockchainandCryptocurrency #cryptocurrency #environment #Blockchain #Business #ethereum #TheMerge #bitcoin
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #cryptocurrency #environment #blockchain #ethereum #themerge #bitcoin
Ethereum’s Shanghai Update Opens a Rift in Crypto - Ether is finally untethering itself from mining—and driving renewed debate about bitcoin’... - #business/blockchainandcryptocurrency #business #themerge
How Advisors Can Prepare for Ethereum’s Unlock - Ethereum’s Shanghai upgrade will unlock ether that has been staked since the Merge, poten... - #cryptoforadvisors #financialadvisers #financialadvisors #shanghaiupgrade #newsletters #ethereum2.0 #investing #ethereum #themerge #finance #opinion #trading
#trading #opinion #finance #themerge #ethereum #investing #ethereum2 #newsletters #shanghaiupgrade #financialadvisors #financialadvisers #cryptoforadvisors
‘Withdrawals are coming!’ — Ethereum devs confirm epoch for Shapella fork - Shapella will take effect at epoch 194,048, which is scheduled fo... - #ethereumimprovementproposal #ethereumfoundation #shapellaupgrade #istanbulupgrade #londonupgrade #berlinupgrade #beaconchain #stakedether #eip-4895 #eip-1559 #themerge #timbeiko
#timbeiko #themerge #eip #stakedether #beaconchain #berlinupgrade #londonupgrade #istanbulupgrade #shapellaupgrade #ethereumfoundation #ethereumimprovementproposal
En 2017, en pleine hype sur la #blockchain, j'écrivais que c'était une technologie zombie et qu'il était inutile de se s'exciter à son sujet pour x raisons,
- la communauté de la blockchain : "bouh" (on remarquera la finesse du contre-argument)
- 2023 : je n'ai toujours pas changé d'avis même s'il y a eu des progrès évidents à l'automne dernier avec #themerge
- la communauté de la blockchain : "vous n'y connaissez rien"
Les technobéats sont définitivement hors-sols.
The Merge aconteceu, e é incrível, minha experiência pessoal com a #Ethereum melhorou enormemente. Hoje em dia quando envio uma transação, clico em enviar, espero alguns segundos e vejo que a transação foi concluída e já tem uma confirmação!”
#Ethereum #TheMerge @VitalikButerin
Metamask Launches Ethereum Staking Services via Lido and Rocketpool - On Friday, the Web3 wallet firm Metamask, a subsidiary of the Ethereum-centric com... - #metamaskstakingservices #marketcapitalization #ethereumstaking #metamaskstaking #cryptoeconomy #portfoliodapp #collateral #rocketpool #stakingeth #consensys #protocols #providers #dominate #ethereum #metamask #services #themerge #rewards
#rewards #themerge #services #metamask #ethereum #dominate #providers #protocols #consensys #stakingeth #rocketpool #collateral #portfoliodapp #cryptoeconomy #metamaskstaking #ethereumstaking #marketcapitalization #metamaskstakingservices
After #TheMerge, most focus on $ETH's potential deflationary impact, or ESG, but very few spot out the issue of MEV after #TheMerge! In this 🧵you will know more about:
1. complete paradigm shift of MEV
2. Why has been rising ~8x within 2 months!
Tras la exitosa actualización de #TheMerge llevada a cabo por #Ethereum la red ha comenzado a ser deflacionaria estas últimas semanas.
Su precio no ha caído demasiado, en parte gracias al staking obligatorio, tras el cese del cual, pueda pasar a ser un activo más atractivo para algunas entidades.
En el 2023 se espera la nueva actualizcaión #shangai podríamos ver una disminución en las tarifas.
Llegará #eth a ser #ultrasoundmoney ?
#themerge #Ethereum #shangai #eth #ultrasoundmoney
Vitalik reveals a new phase in the Ethereum roadmap: ‘The Scourge’ - The remaining milestones of the Ethereum roadmap consist of The S... - #succinctnon-interactiveargumentofknowledgetechnology #thepurgeandthesplurge #minerextractablevalue #partialblockauction #technicalroadmap #thescourge #thespurge #themerge #theverge
#theverge #themerge #thespurge #thescourge #technicalroadmap #partialblockauction #minerextractablevalue #thepurgeandthesplurge #succinctnon
@rf скоро у #ethereum намечается The Merge и переход на PoS.
Что ожидаете от этого события?
Подорожает? Подешевеет?
Может другая криптамонета займет место эфира (solana, cardano, avalanche)?
Куда пойдут майнеры?
Как себя поведёт Ethereum Classic?
#cryptocurrency #themerge
#ethereum #cryptocurrency #themerge