Great was the company of the preachers. Da krieg ich glatt Lust, wieder mal mitzusingen. #TheMessiah #BRalpha
What are your go-to #SeasonalMovies?
Here's my partial list:
#Klaus (#Netflix)
#SantaClause (the original)
#Noelle (new last year, on #Disney)
#Scrooged (and now also this year's #Spirited on #AppleTV)
#KingsCollege concert of #TheMessiah
And classics from childhood:
I may not go to church anymore, but I celebrate the season my own way. Ha!
#seasonalmovies #whileyouweresleeping #Klaus #netflix #santaclause #homealone #miracleon34thstreet #noelle #disney #scrooged #Spirited #appletv #kingscollege #themessiah #loveactually #rudolph #grinch #CharlieBrown #littledrummerboy #ChristmasMovies
Ho un amico che ieri ha cominciato a vedere The Messiah. E' entusiasta.
Come glielo dico che i #cristiani ne hanno chiesta ed ottenuta la cancellazione?
Voglio dire, questo è pure toscano...quando lo scoprirà tirerà giù #JHWH in persona!
#bigotti #themessiah #netflix #JHWH #cristiani