In thinking about my "Word of the Year," a thoughtful story came out of my head, but no real "theme word" yet. Although, I have a bit of a watch phrase that sums up where we are in life right now.
#wordoftheyear #themeword #journal #blogpost
What’s your theme or intention word for 2023 (if you participate in that practice)?
Mine is HOPE!
Hope is a responsibility; when we give up hope we give in to believing there’s nothing more to be done. Hope is a commitment to doing the work.
Hope is a brawler. Hope is a baller. Hope — I’m giving it my all while fanning the flame of hope for a better world. We can build it.
Toward our collective liberation.
#intention #nye #newyearmagick #newyear #themeword #newyearintention #hope
#hope #newyearintention #themeword #newyear #newyearmagick #nye #intention
It's the last week of the Gregorian calendar, and already my brain is trying think about how to focus in 2023. Many of you know that I like to select a "theme word" and often I spend this week pondering the effectiveness (or not) of the word of the year just experienced and the word I might choose going forward. I'm going to have to look up what I'd written for 2022 because right now, I cannot remember it at all. #ThemeWord #NewYear