This is Chanukah! May we always merit to go beyond nature (the seven days of creation), past our limits, to succeed at the seemingly impossible. From here on out, the miracle is us.
#Hanukkah #Chanukah #theMiracleIsUs #shareTheLights #mazeldon #זאתחנוכה #ZosChanukah
#hanukkah #chanukah #themiracleisus #sharethelights #mazeldon #זאתחנוכה #zoschanukah
The top image is from Chanukah 1931, photographed by Akiva & Rachel Posner in Germany.
The bottom image is from Chanukah 2022, Akiva & Rachel Posner’s grandson, Yehudah, lighting the same menorah at the home of the President of Germany. #Hanukkah #Chanukah #menorah #shareTheLights #holocaust #theMiracleIsUs
#hanukkah #chanukah #menorah #sharethelights #holocaust #themiracleisus