"Cruisin'" is a 1979 single written, produced, and performed by American singer-songwriter #SmokeyRobinson for #MotownRecords' Tamla label. One of Robinson's most successful singles outside of his work with #theMiracles, "Cruisin'" hit number one on the U.S. #CashBox Top 100 and was also a #Billboard #Hot100 hit, peaking at number four the week of February 2, 1980. It was a top-five hit on the Soul chart as well.
#smokeyrobinson #motownrecords #themiracles #cashbox #billboard #hot100
"Love Machine" is a 1975 single recorded by #Motown group #TheMiracles, taken from their album #CityOfAngels. The song was a #1 Pop smash on the Billboard Hot 100, and the biggest-selling hit single of The Miracles' career. This single was one of two Billboard Hot 100 Top 20 hits recorded by The Miracles with #BillyGriffin as lead vocalist; the other is 1973's "#DoItBaby". Griffin had replaced Miracles founder #SmokeyRobinson as lead singer in 1972.
#motown #themiracles #cityofangels #billygriffin #doitbaby #smokeyrobinson
"Ooo Baby Baby" is a song written by #SmokeyRobinson and #PeteMoore. It is a classic 1965 hit single by #TheMiracles for the Tamla (#Motown) label. The song has inspired numerous other cover versions by other artists over the years, including covers by #EllaFitzgerald, #ToddRundgren, #TheEscorts, #TheFiveStairsteps, #LindaRonstadt, and many others.
#smokeyrobinson #petemoore #themiracles #motown #ellafitzgerald #toddrundgren #theescorts #thefivestairsteps #lindaronstadt
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Smokey Robinson Says He Cheated on His Wife With Diana Ross for a Year: 'It Was Beautiful' https://jezebel.com/smokey-robinson-diana-ross-afair-1850387072 #Jezebel #claudetterogersrobinson #entertainment2cculture #motownchartbusters #motown3athemusical #smokeyrobinson #arethafranklin #humaninterest #recordlabels #themiracles #dianaross #hecheated #musicians #motown #albums
#jezebel #claudetterogersrobinson #entertainment2cculture #MotownChartbusters #motown3athemusical #smokeyrobinson #arethafranklin #humaninterest #recordlabels #themiracles #dianaross #hecheated #musicians #motown #albums
#OnTheTown (1960 Studio Cast), The Real Coney Island
#LindseyBuckingham, End of Time
#ElfPower, Olde Tyme Waves
#WifeeandTheHuzzBand, Girl Can't Take It
#SmokeyRobinson and #TheMiracles, The Tears of a Clown
#Minutemen, June 16th
#TheKinks, Got Love If You Want It
#MichaelCarpenter & The Cuban Heels, Mission In Life
#ChuckProphet, White Night, Big City
#chuckprophet #michaelcarpenter #thekinks #Minutemen #themiracles #smokeyrobinson #wifeeandthehuzzband #elfpower #lindseybuckingham #onthetown #TheMorningLine
#BellX1, The Upswing
#10cc, Rubber Bullets
#WendyandLisa, Reaching One
#GaryLucas, Fellini's Casanova/Rosemary's Baby
#WilsonPickett, Come Home Baby
#EvenDozenJugBand, Evolution Mama
#Spoon, Got Nuffin
#SmokeyRobinson & #TheMiracles, More Love
#CamperVanBeethoven, Processional
#campervanbeethoven #themiracles #smokeyrobinson #spoon #evendozenjugband #wilsonpickett #garylucas #WendyAndLisa #10cc #bellx1 #TheMorningLine
#RealEstate, Past Lives
#TheChills, Canterbury Go!
#SmokeyRobinson & #TheMiracles, I Second That Emotion
#GeneChandler, Duke of Earl
#TheOlympics, Western Movies
#Cracker, King of Bakersfield
#RaphaelSaadiq, People
#EddieFloyd, Big Bird
#Supergrass, Alright
#supergrass #eddiefloyd #raphaelsaadiq #cracker #theolympics #genechandler #themiracles #smokeyrobinson #thechills #realestate #TheMorningLine