Robert Fairhead · @tallandtrue
169 followers · 331 posts · Server

Wonderful (non-spoiler) lines from 's . Midway through the novel ( version), in a flashback, Thomas Cromwell reflects on his daughter Anne, who died in childhood (early in the first novel, ):

Anne is a child who grizzles and wails, a trouble for the wet nurse...

"For Gawd's sake, daughter, can't you read a book."

"Not yet, when I'm six."


#hilarymantel #themirrorandthelight #audiobook #WolfHall #books #reading #childrenreading

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Fairhead · @tallandtrue
66 followers · 109 posts · Server

"Once [King Henry VIII] had grasped what he was being told he had shouted at the top of his voice that the business should be kept quiet." ~ by 👑

#themirrorandthelight #hilarymantel #books #tudors

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Fairhead · @tallandtrue
66 followers · 109 posts · Server

Just finished listening to the second instalment of 's trilogy, , on . Can't wait to start the final, , also narrated by . ❤️

#hilarymantel #WolfHall #bringupthebodies #audible #themirrorandthelight #benmiles #books #audiobooks

Last updated 2 years ago