I couldn't agree more. This is hands-down the best BBQ I've ever had in NC or anywhere else. I want this to be my last meal!
#lexingtonbbq #themonk #ncbbq #lexingtonstyle #westernstyle #bbq #nc #northcarolina
Charlotte Observer: This barbecue joint was named the best in North Carolina. What makes it so special?
#lexingtonbbq #themonk #ncbbq #lexingtonstyle #westernstyle #bbq #nc #northcarolina
33 year old gay man (he/his) living in London UK.
Favourite TV shows are #TwinPeaks #TheXFiles #Hannibal #TheOA #TheLeftovers #TheHandmaidsTale to name a few.
Love a lot of movies and big fan of #horror movies like #Alien #Halloween #TheThing #ANightmareonElmStreet as well as many others like #BladeRunner #MulhollandDrive #Dune
I'm a love of books, with favourites including #Dracula #TheMonk #HisDarkMaterials
#introduction #twinpeaks #thexfiles #hannibal #theoa #theleftovers #thehandmaidstale #horror #alien #halloween #thething #anightmareonelmstreet #bladerunner #mulhollanddrive #dune #dracula #themonk #hisdarkmaterials