#NowPlaying tomorrow's #playlist today. Not a single track is "classical" (umbrella term) or jazz. I had #TheFolkImplosion in my head, which was an album from my youth, then I started thinking about being young which led to #Calexico / #IronAndWine and then #EricBurdon & #TheAnimals (another album from my youth) and just got lost in popular #60sMusic from there with #TheBeachBoys #TommyJamesAndTheShondells #TheBeauBrummels #TheMoodyBlues #TheLeftBanke
#nowplaying #playlist #thefolkimplosion #calexico #ironandwine #ericburdon #theanimals #60smusic #thebeachboys #tommyjamesandtheshondells #thebeaubrummels #themoodyblues #theleftbanke
That poems are cool.
"Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day's useless energy is spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey and yellow-white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion"
#latelament #nightsinwhitesatin #themoodyblues #60smusictaughtme #HashtagGames
"The Voice" is the second single released from #theMoodyBlues' 1981 album #LongDistanceVoyager. The song continued the success of previous single "#GeminiDream", becoming a #Top40 hit on the #Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked at No. 15 in October 1981. The song had previously topped the Billboard #TopRockTracks chart for four weeks during JuneβJuly 1981. The song also reached No. 9 in Canada. According to #Allmusic critic Dave Connolly.
#themoodyblues #longdistancevoyager #geminidream #top40 #billboard #toprocktracks #allmusic
#TheMoodyBlues - Nights in White Satin Paint
#HashtagGames #ruinasongbookorshowsplot #themoodyblues
"On the Threshold of a Dream" by The Moody Blues released in the US on this day in 1969.
#TheMoodyBlues #OnTheThresholdOfADream #VintageVinyl
#themoodyblues #onthethresholdofadream #vintagevinyl
"I'm Just a Singer" - #TheMoodyBlues: my parents had exactly 4 tapes that we would listen to on Road trips. This was on one.
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheRockShow with #JohnnieWalker
The Moody Blues:
π΅ I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)
#nowplaying #TheRockShow #JohnnieWalker #themoodyblues
π #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #DonLettsCultureClashRadio
The Moody Blues:
π΅ Question
#nowplaying #bbc6music #DonLettsCultureClashRadio #themoodyblues
π #NowPlaying on fip
The Moody Blues:
π΅ Nights in white satin
https://tapestriesusa.bandcamp.com/track/nights-in-white-satin-by-the-moody-bluesπ€ Saviez vousβ
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π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SundayLoveSongs with #SteveWright
The Moody Blues:
π΅ Question
#nowplaying #sundaylovesongs #stevewright #themoodyblues
Minor Key . Net Playlist 2/23/23
#NinaSimone #TheMoodyBlues #RayChen #DanielHarding #SwedishRadioSymphonyOrchestra #FelixMendelssohn #PinkFloyd #HevrehEnsemble #NicolaBenedetti #ErichWolfgangKorngold #VicJuris #Ween
#APPLEMUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-2-23-23/pl.u-GgA5epZTo2P9epr
#QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13633113
#SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/35ytbAmfgwSCkZxG7EMkDy?si=fb295d803ba4402b
#nowplaying #playlist #music #classicalmusic #ensemble #symphony #Orchestra #guitar #jazz #60smusic #violin #violinist #guitarist
#ninasimone #themoodyblues #raychen #danielharding #swedishradiosymphonyorchestra #felixmendelssohn #pinkfloyd #hevrehensemble #nicolabenedetti #erichwolfgangkorngold #vicjuris #ween #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #playlist #music #classicalmusic #ensemble #symphony #orchestra #guitar #jazz #60smusic #violin #violinist #guitarist
π #NowPlaying on fip
The Moody Blues:
π΅ Nights in white satin
Minor Key . Net Valentine's Day Playlist 2/14/23
#BoDiddley #TheAnimals #CharlesBradley #BobDylan #MarvinGaye #OtisRedding #SonicYouth #TheMagneticFields #TheZombies #NancySinatra #LouReed #Donovan #Sebadoh #ElliottSmith #TheMoodyBlues
#APPLEMUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-valentines-day-playlist-2-14-23/pl.u-NpXm9Lpt4yGPB70
#QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13443907
#SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6l6ggj8bFDz2vz2Q41pHEH?si=2067ccb7144e4ec8
#bodiddley #theanimals #charlesbradley #bobdylan #marvingaye #otisredding #sonicyouth #themagneticfields #thezombies #nancysinatra #loureed #donovan #sebadoh #elliottsmith #themoodyblues #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #music #valentinesday #playlist #mastomusic
This hauntingly beautiful song by the Moody Blues is more than 50 years old and is still as enjoyable as ever:
#nightsinwhitesatin #themoodyblues #music #song #video
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #NightTracks
The Moody Blues:
π΅ Nights in White Satin
#nowplaying #NightTracks #themoodyblues