This put me in mind of recent events:
'I've got it!' shouted Muskrat.
'What?' said the mouse and his child together.
'X!' said Muskrat, 'X!'
The fireflies abandoned all reserve, and flashed with such a light that Muskrat's shadow loomed up huge and black upon the wall behind him.
'He's done it!' said the father to the child. 'He's made the leap'.
#RussellHoban #themouseandhischild
'Why into Here often equals There, and so one moves about'
Muskrat in #TheMouseAndHisChild by #RussellHoban
#themouseandhischild #RussellHoban
“The way is certainly both short and steep, / However #gradual it looks from here; / Look if you like, but you will have to leap.”
W.H. Auden #MastoPrompt
This quote opens #RussellHoban 's children's novel of universal appeal #theMouseAndHisChild.
#gradual #MastoPrompt #russellhoban #themouseandhischild