Today in #JRAD History #TIJRADH
11/28/2015 at #ParadiseRockClub in #Boston
• 20+ min #ThrowingStones
• 20+ min #FeelLikeAStranger
• first performance of “The Weight” #TheBand
👂 what #teases can you hear?
#gratefuldead #themusicneverstopped #teases #theband #feellikeastranger #throwingstones #boston #paradiserockclub #tijradh #JRAD
Calling All Deadheads, Jamband Fans, Music Festivarians, etc...
Deadheadland is now on Mastadon! #deadheads #gratefuldead #deadheadland #dhltv #iwantmydhltv #livemusic #jambands #jambandsruinedmylife #musicfestivals #hippies #phish #wsmfp #moe #sci #rmfj #terrapinnation #mastadondead #dead #jerrygarcia #bobweir #deadandcompany #wolfbros #phillesh #mickeyhart #billkreutzmann #brentmydland #vincewelnick #donnajean #keithgodchaux #themusicneverstopped #alwaysgrateful #rainbowfamily #kind #love
#deadheads #gratefuldead #deadheadland #dhltv #iwantmydhltv #livemusic #jambands #jambandsruinedmylife #musicfestivals #hippies #phish #wsmfp #moe #sci #rmfj #terrapinnation #mastadondead #dead #jerrygarcia #bobweir #deadandcompany #wolfbros #phillesh #mickeyhart #billkreutzmann #brentmydland #vincewelnick #donnajean #keithgodchaux #themusicneverstopped #alwaysgrateful #rainbowfamily #Kind #love
a new #JRAD #soundboard #recording appears!
8/13/22 @ #FrostAmphitheater —
If you can you identify the #WOLF! tune which #ScottMetzger sneaks into that #CumberlandBlues toot it up and we’ll add it to the teases!
#music #gratefuldead #themusicneverstopped #CumberlandBlues #ScottMetzger #wolf #FrostAmphitheater #recording #soundboard #JRAD
My first #GratefulDead show was Aug 30, 1981 at Compton Terrace (formerly Legend City for Phoenix old-timers) and the setlist was LIT. #TheMusicNeverStopped
#gratefuldead #themusicneverstopped
TIL about JRAD and I've never been able to see a show at Red Rocks. Watching them jam with John Mayer on YT now and really like the sound. Thanks for the tip! Wish I could make this show. Should be special #TheMusicNeverStopped