@mastodonmigration "But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Lincoln that, having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except on the side of mercy.” #TheMusk #powercorrupts
#kathygriffin, I mean THE @kathygriffin from over here in late night as #TheMusk (with time stamp)
#freekathy #themusk #kathygriffin
ohh 'cmon that witch @kathygriffin created first her mastodon profile, posted than her mastodon handel on tw and went on a rampage to troll poor saviour #themusk. He's clearly a victim of the #altleft #antifa that planned this stunt for years. Isn't it obvious, first they lured him into buying tw, than they charged him way to much and now they leave him alone with a bag of empty accounts.
You'll see, he'll create all content by himself, he's Elon!