MY #LastFM stats from last week #NowListening
Top Artists:
Top Albums:
Anthem of the Peaceful Army (Greta Van Fleet)
Reeling (The Mysterines)
Electric Honey (Luscious Jackson)
Model Citizen (Meet Me @ The Altar)
Version 2.0 (Garbage)
#garbage #howardjones #thewho #themysterines #GretaVanFleet #Music #nowlistening #lastfm
#TheMysterines #NewMusic #8tunesat8
Watch "The Mysterines - Begin Again" on YouTube
#themysterines #newmusic #8tunesat8
#music #musikken #musica #musik #musique
#WeAreRheRadio #TootRadio #MastoRaduo #pouetradio #FediRadio
#themysterines #dangerous #Music #musikken #musica #musik #musique #wearerheradio #tootradio #mastoraduo #pouetradio #fediradio
Today's pick from one of my albums of last year is 'Life's a Bitch (But I Like it So Much)' from The Mysterines' 'Reeling'.
Not managed to catch these live yet so hope to get that fixed this year!
#bestmusic2022 #newmusic #subsaoty2022 #themysterines
#TheMysterines #NewMusic #8tunesat8
Watch "The Mysterines - All These Things" on YouTube
#themysterines #newmusic #8tunesat8
In diesem Jahr ist endlich das Debütalbum der Mysterines erschienen. Darauf ist auch der heutige Song im Musik-Adventskalender, dessen Titel ja eigentlich schon alles klarstellt, oder? #MusikAK22 #Adventskalender #TheMysterines
#musikak22 #adventskalender #themysterines