Two men, one neat and one messy, sharing an apartment - and paying alimony - for 35 years!
📺 Spring 1971: ABC aired #TheOddCouple on Fridays after #ThatGirl; before #LoveAmericanStyle. Against it, #TheCBSFridayNightMovies; NBC aired #TheNameOfTheGame.
#theoddcouple #thatgirl #loveamericanstyle #thecbsfridaynightmovies #thenameofthegame
And it’s thrilling stuff every step of the way. The scenes where gets the upper hand are delicious. I pressed re-wind and watched them again. Sterling performances from everybody in the room.
4️⃣ Side note: As a huge, lifelong fan of #TheNameOfTheGame it’s great fun to see #TonyFranciosa and #GeneBarry sharing the screen in another project. But their characters here are bad guys.
📺 My 360th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 2h12m of TV, per day.
#thenameofthegame #tonyfranciosa #genebarry #tvreview