GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
27 followers · 255 posts · Server

’s Investments in Reveal Complicity in Settlements and Military Operations: Before you click buy on Day, consider Amazon’s role in terrorizing

via @thenation ()

“As ’s 200 million worldwide members become increasingly reliant on door-to-door Prime Delivery we might remember that our consumption is linked to Amazon’s role in ’s occupation.

People around the world are calling for their governments to end cooperation with Israel and boycott companies invested in the Israeli war machine. Taking on Amazon, whose encroachments into worker suppression and exploitation at home are intertwined with land theft and settler violence abroad, is more crucial now than ever.”

#amazon #israel #prime #palestinians #thenation #apartheidisrael #aws #SettlerColonialism #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #bezos #amazonprime #ai #bds #boycottamazon

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
775 followers · 20480 posts · Server
MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
775 followers · 20451 posts · Server
Stable Genius Liberal · @StableGeniusLib
64 followers · 1165 posts · Server

"Reaganomics and Bidenomics both jettisoned the dominant economic assumptions that had been held by both parties."

Mike Konczal is always worth reading.

#Bidenomics #thenation

Last updated 1 year ago

John Nephew · @Johnnephew
488 followers · 1203 posts · Server

From looking up a little history, apparently the Public Library began as only a reading room in 1869, which changed location many times until 1902 when the Carnegie library was built. That in turn was the main library until 1980. So it seems possible that these bound volumes of early issues of were part of the library's collection from the very beginning.

#duluth #thenation

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
763 followers · 19981 posts · Server
Shades · @shades
777 followers · 2916 posts · Server

by # MJesuthasan in :

"The scale and swiftness of police repression that descended upon French cities has been shocking. French media and politicians across the spectrum have turned police officers and a mayor and his family who escaped 'attempted assassination'—an event that may not be connected to the riots—into the main victims of the unrest. But several people have died, including a 27-year-old in Marseille whose death is seen as 'probably' due to the impact of a 'Flash-Ball type projectile' (a rubber or foam pellet), a 50-year-old shot by a stray bullet in French Guyana, and a young man who fell from the roof of a grocery store during a looting near Rouen."

#thenation #nahelmerzouk #nahel #protests #policeviolence #policebrutality #police #Marseille #frenchguyana

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
777 followers · 2916 posts · Server

by in :

"With a few strokes of his uniquely powerful veto pen, the Democratic governor had remade the narrowly drawn biennial budget passed by Republican legislators to boost education funding for the next four centuries. Yes, really: Instead of lifting state-imposed limits on raising school revenues through 2024–25, Evers artfully reworked the numbers—crossing out the initial '20' and the hyphen—to extend the plan until 2425."

#JohnNichols #thenation #wisconsin #wi #budget #tonyevers #evers #schools #education #Veto

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
777 followers · 2900 posts · Server

by in :

"Half of all Americans now die in hospice care—and a majority of them are now being treated by for-profit services. “Profit over people” is an unappealing MO for any company, but it is an especially ugly approach to operating a hospice, where the people in question are, by definition, some of society’s most vulnerable. "

#katrinavandenheuvel #thenation #hospice #forprofit #healthcare #medicare #illness #privatization

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
714 followers · 2118 posts · Server

by in :

"The city’s two cardinal rules—don’t be a dick, and mind your business—are very easy to follow. We’re a fun city, a welcoming city, and definitely a weird city. It’s part of our rough-edged charm, and why so many people love to visit us. But the thing that those visitors need to keep in mind is that we are also a very queer, a very trans, a very Black, and a very anti-fascist city, and if you can’t handle that, you’re no longer welcome. We won’t be shy about letting you know that, and we definitely won’t make your time here pleasant."

#KimKelly #thenation #philadelphia #philly #antifascism #antifascist #transrights #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
714 followers · 2118 posts · Server

by in :

"There was only one problem: The whole thing was bullshit. Far from being worth trillions of dollars, the Metaverse turned out to be worth absolutely bupkus. It’s not even that the platform lagged behind expectations or was slow to become popular. There wasn’t anyone visiting the Metaverse at all."

#katewagner #thenation #facebook #meta #metaverse #zuckerberg

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
714 followers · 2115 posts · Server

by in :

"In April, heat waves hit much of India and Bangladesh. Six cities in India hit 111 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures are becoming the norm across the region. A report by international climate scientists as part of the World Weather Attribution group found that human-induced climate change made these heat waves 30 times more likely than the historical norm. A study published in PLOS Climate showed that more than 90 percent of India’s population is now vulnerable to heat waves. And by 2060, according to the projections by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), heat-wave duration will increase by average of 12 to 18 days. The IPCC further warns that the heat waves could spread to Southern India, where they are currently rare."

#sanketjain #thenation #india #heatwave #farmworkers #farm #farming #agriculture #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #ClimateChange #globalwarming #climate #environment #ipcc

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
706 followers · 1869 posts · Server

by in :

"Biden put together a commission on court reform that managed to include no actual reformers. He put really smart and interesting law professors on the commission, but none with particular expertise in court reform. He put brilliant attorneys on the commission, but many of them argue in front of the Supreme Court for a living and are therefore not in the best position to question the legitimacy of the institution or its justices. He put actual Republicans on the commission, including Federalist Society members and a lawyer who orchestrated the constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act. But he tapped nobody who has been on the record in favor of reforming the court—none of the organizers who have built coalitions in support of reform or professors who have written policies or worked with lawmakers outlining ways to fix the court."

#ElieMystal #thenation #biden #supremecourt #commission #SCOTUS #uspolitics #uspol #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
3381 followers · 3214 posts · Server
Shades · @shades
634 followers · 1386 posts · Server

by # SashaAbramsky in :

"When the legislative session ended earlier this month, Lombardo ended up with 75 vetoes in a single session, including 43 on the final day that he could issue vetoes. It was the most annual vetoes that any Nevada governor has ever issued.

"On renter protections, Lombardo vetoed a measure that would have provided renters facing eviction with a two-month cushion if they already had an application in place for renters’ assistance; the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada warned that rejecting the measure could result in thousands being pushed into homelessness. He vetoed a bill against summary evictions, and he vetoed a bill that would have required landlords to return the application fee they charged would-be renters if they ended up renting the home to another applicant. That bill would also have prevented landlords from charging a separate application fee for each child in a family.

"The governor vetoed another bill that would have capped the amount by which landlords could jack up the rent on seniors and people with disabilities, calling the proposal an 'unreasonable restraint on standard business activity.' Democrats immediately lambasted the veto, saying it was Lombardo’s way of rewarding the wealthy real estate moguls who bankrolled his run for office last year."

#thenation #nevada #renters #landlords #realestate #housing

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
633 followers · 1377 posts · Server

by & in :

"[E]mployees from across the country told The Nation the same thing: that Starbucks has become a more difficult workplace for queer people, and that they are tired of what they describe as a relentlessly aggressive anti-union campaign. So this Pride Month, they decided to take action.

"On June 23, over 3,000 workers, at more than 150 stores, began a staggered weeklong strike, in part as a protest against the apparent censorship of Pride. The workers are affiliated with Starbucks Workers United (SBWU), the union that has organized hundreds of branches across the country. SBWU told us that this is the largest mass action in its history and that any change to decorations policy should have been discussed with the union, instead of being implemented unilaterally."

#eloisegoldsmith #rohanmontgomery #thenation #starbucks #SBWU #pride #strike #union #workers #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
632 followers · 1366 posts · Server

by in :

"The Fair College Admissions for Students Act, which [Jamaal] Bowman proposed with US Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) in the 117th Congress, and which they plan to reintroduce in this Congress, focuses on a frequently neglected form of affirmative action that primarily benefits wealthy white people—and that the court has permitted to stand. Specifically, it would end colleges’ and universities’ practice of giving legacy admissions preferences to the children of alumni and donors. As Bowman and Merkley note, 'Legacy admissions can take up between 10 and 25 percent of available slots at top universities. Some estimates indicate that applying as a legacy student can double to quadruple one’s chances of getting into a highly selective university. In using legacy and donor status in admissions decisions, institutions give preference to students whose families attended or donated to the university, reducing the opportunities for the descendants of enslaved African Americans who built and maintained many of these institutions and other underrepresented students.'”

#JohnNichols #thenation #legacyadmissions #affirmativeaction #highereducation #college #universities #JamaalBowman #jeffmerkley #supremecourt #SCOTUS

Last updated 1 year ago

Cindy Weinstein · @CindyWeinstein
983 followers · 2353 posts · Server

"Yet you’ll note that the Supreme Court did not ban gender consciousness in college admissions. Nor did it ban legacy consciousness, wealth consciousness, geographic consciousness, or athletic consciousness. Race, and only race, is the thing the conservatives don’t want colleges and universities to look at." in .

#eliemystal #thenation

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
522 followers · 842 posts · Server

by in @thenation:

"For four decades, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has extolled the importance of 'personal responsibility.' He has chastised those who 'make excuses for black Americans' and argued there is a need to 'emphasize black self-help.' He has denigrated affirmative action programs on the grounds that they 'create a narcotic of dependency' where there should be 'an ethic of responsibility and independence.' He bemoans the 'ideology of victimhood' that allows the marginalized to 'make demands on society for reparations and recompense.'

"In light of recent revelations that Thomas has been showered by billionaire Harlan Crow with over two decades’ worth of getaways on superyachts and private jets and various other gifts, none of which he ever reported, the jurist’s long con of principled advocacy for Black self-reliance and opposition to white largesse has finally run its course. Turns out, Thomas was never against reparations—he just wanted them for himself. He is and always has been precisely what he wrongly accuses Black folks of being."

#kaliholloway #clarencethomas #harlancrow #supremecourt #SCOTUS #corruption #hypocrisy #thenation

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
451 followers · 456 posts · Server

by in :

"On Monday morning, The Washington Post published a devastating story about attempts by leadership at the Department of Justice—including, most notably, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, and FBI Director Chris Wray—to avoid prosecuting Donald Trump. The story exposes how the DOJ quashed efforts to aggressively pursue Trump and other politically connected Republicans for their roles in attacking the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and instead adopted a more 'cautious' approach aimed at avoiding the appearance of partisanship. Garland, it would seem, cared more about appearing fair (to Republicans) than seeking justice against the Republicans who tried to overthrow the government."

#ElieMystal #thenation #MerrickGarland #doj #January6th #Jan6

Last updated 1 year ago