#thenationals who don’t support farmers and don’t support indigenous people, all regional people. They only support large foreign owned mining companies. #auspol #insiders
#thenationals #auspol #insiders
I want everything on hold so we have a great excuse to bring in #nuclear. #thenationals
#thenationals and their mining/farmer mates have been destroying natural habitats since day dot. It almost like he sneers when he says ‘natural habitats’.
#insiders #auspol
#nuclear #thenationals #insiders #auspol
Does anyone watching this trust #thenationals. Sucker! #insiders #auspol
#thenationals #insiders #auspol
So country people when your towns burn and flood because of #climatechange vote #thenationals. #auspol #insiders
#climatechange #thenationals #auspol #insiders
Yes he is against renewables. He wants #nuclear #auspol #thenationals #insiders
#nuclear #auspol #thenationals #insiders
Great the piece of sh$t that was put in by Turnbull/Abbott with 💯 support of #thenationals is falling apart. It is aaaaallll your fault country people. Live with it. #nbn
How odd! So where did all the money for regions that #thenationals made a deal with the #liberals go to? #wapol
#thenationals #liberals #wapol
1. Fastsommernacht in #BadOeynhausen, auf der Terrasse sitzen, das neue #theNationals Album auf den Ohren und #IvanErtlov s Sonnenflut & Sternenfeuer bei einem #GinTonic lesen.
#badoeynhausen #thenationals #ivanertlov #gintonic
#nsw do you feel like you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t with the state election?
#coalition is corrupt as sh?t, #labor is as corrupt as sh&t.
Neither will really do anything about #gambling but at least the #coalition says it will as apposed to #labor who won’t.
Also country people you have been treated like chumps by #thenationals and #liberals since forever. #nswpol #nswvotes
#nsw #coalition #labor #gambling #thenationals #liberals #nswpol #nswvotes
What's with NSW politics.
#Nazi #Uniform #Liberal #TheNationals #NSW #auspol2023 #satire #
#nazi #uniform #liberal #thenationals #nsw #auspol2023 #satire
So #thenationals and #nff have no problem poisoning us and our kids. The farmers in Australia don’t deserve our respect or our support.
Nationals MP Andrew Gee quits party following decision on voice
Nationals MP Andrew Gee has announced his resignation from the party and will sit in federal parliament as an independent.
Gee, who represents the NSW seat of Calare, said he was leaving the junior Coalition party following its decision to oppose the Indigenous voice to parliament.
He said in a statement:
I can’t reconcile the fact that every Australian will get a free vote on the vitally important issue of the voice, yet National party MPs are expected to fall into line behind a party position that I fundamentally disagree with, and vote accordingly in parliament.
While I respect the views of my colleagues, this just isn’t right. I didn’t bring on the debate within the Nationals over the voice or the press conference that followed.
Gee said recent flooding in NSW which brought devastation to rural areas had also “brought home” the importance of speaking up.
Now, more than ever, the communities of our region need their MP in their corner advocating for that support, no matter the political stripe of the state or federal government.
While I accept that in politics compromises have to be made, there comes a point where not speaking out freely can compromise the interests of those we represent.
– from AAP
An excellent piece by @AlanKohler #thevoice #TheNationals https://thenewdaily.com.au/finance/2022/12/08/voice-an-economic-issue-kohler/
An excellent article by Michael Pascoe. Shame on #TheNationals. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/indigenous-news/2022/12/02/why-nationals-reject-the-voice/ #VoiceToParliament #auspol
#thenationals #voicetoparliament #auspol
It’s quite astounding how divided ‘The Nationals’ are on several major national and international issues.
Now add the Indigenous Voice, shows the lack of ‘footwork’ by Fed’ leader, Littlepool MP: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/nov/29/nationals-fracture-over-federal-opposition-to-indigenous-voice
#AusPol #TheNationals #UluruStatement #VoiceTreatyTruth
#auspol #thenationals #ulurustatement #voicetreatytruth
Littleproud says a #Voice won't close the gap on Indigenous #disadvantage.
Well, neither will inaction on climate change or locking up Indigenous children. Perhaps #TheNationals could focus campaigning on an actual measure to help #CloseTheGap, rather than (grand)standing against the #IndigenousVoiceToParliament?
#voice #disadvantage #thenationals #closethegap #Indigenousvoicetoparliament #auspol
The Nationals party have already decided where they stand on The Voice To Parliament even before all the details have been revealed.
#voicetoparliament #thenationals #mining #auspol #ularustatementfromtheheart
#voicetoparliament #thenationals #mining #auspol #ularustatementfromtheheart
Let’s be honest here, what #TheNationals party actually meant is that they really do not want to close the gap and that they have incredibly poor imagination for a better excuse.