Friday night marked #DavidSuzuki 's last appearance as the host of the show that was founded in 1960 and which he, after taking over as host in 1979, turned into a byword for #science outreach. Over nearly four & a half decades, he's led #Canadians on a journey through topics as outre as bug sex and animal music, and as serious as the Underground Railroad and the fight to preserve old-growth forests.
#retirement #Environmentalist #TheNatureOfThings #EnvironmentalLeader
#davidsuzuki #science #canadians #retirement #environmentalist #thenatureofthings #environmentalleader
Meet the new #hosts of #TheNatureOfThings: #SarikaCullisSuzuki and #AnthonyMorgan | CBC Documentaries #DavidSuzuki #nature
#nature #DavidSuzuki #anthonymorgan #sarikacullissuzuki #thenatureofthings #hosts