@SapphicLawyer only grows when journalists don't push back against it. They are too afraid of the fascists to speak out.


Last updated 2 years ago

@billyfens They have created their god in their own image, rejecting the original ordinary teacher of love, forgiveness, and social justice - replacing those teachings with violence, hatred, and oppression. They are disgusting, just like the power-hungry bigoted egregore they created and worship. There is no such god as they have imagined, only the sickness in their minds, justified by their evil hearts, reveling in the wickedness they do and the pain they cause. Like those before them, they enjoy the blood on their hands.


Last updated 2 years ago

@cat_static @flexghost

It's more important to save democracy by amputating the cancer of and by whatever means are necessary.

You're never going to educate these people - they're not only not interested, they're actively hostile to the idea anyone but them should have rights or freedoms.

There is no middle ground between predatory social darwism and progressive social democracy. None at all.

#whitenationalism #christofascistm #thenewinquisition

Last updated 2 years ago

@the_Effekt @ParanoidFactoid @KevinLikesMaps @therobburgessshow

Collapse of the petrodollar is already being engineered, both by poorer nations tired of being raped & pillaged by Wall St, and wealthier nations tired of hypocritical self serving US hegemony being shoved down their throats. "If" is long gone, there's only "when" now. Republicans think they can stop it with military force and are doubling down on & , but they're deluded. If we don't take a democratic socialist path of prosperity & equality for all people, especially non-white nations, our own hubris will destroy us. was literally slow suicide, and we're near the end of the rope. Implementing and to appease their imaginary bigoted republican white jesus shows how completely deranged they are - a danger to the survival of the US, of democracy, not to mention the whole planet via & together.

#colonialism #imperialism #sustainable #whitenationalism #christofascism #thenewinquisition #climatecollapse #economiccrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

@zuzuruz @lednabm is already underway.


Last updated 2 years ago

@Uncleharvey The church as an institution is guilty as charged. Individuals that do not speak up are complicit, and that is apparently most of them. Churches have been supporting not fighting it.


Last updated 2 years ago

@pixelpusher220 @jaredwhite You're presuming again that intervening is an intentional act of an outside agency rather than the individual aligning themselves with the cosmic flow of cause-effect, space-time, positive-negative energy which could not, in fact, care less what anybody wants. You can swim against the current until you tire yourself out, or you can patiently redirect your energies and expectations to align with the flow. The past and the future meet at the nexus of "now," so which possible future will manifest? The one you're manifesting, consciously or unthinkingly. The more people decide to work toward a particular path, the stronger it is. Right now there are a lot of people who are trying to manifest the 2nd civil war and a white nationalist christo-fascist govt waging against everyone else. As long as the rest of us are divided and arguing, we will not succeed in thwarting them. God didn't do that. They did. And we did. Co-creators of a bad future.


Last updated 2 years ago


I'm encouraging my kids to move away from Kentucky.

And though my husband won't move, I've "joked" that when he kicks the bucket he'll hardly be cold in the ground when I leave.

(I'm not really joking.)

And if gets going here, I'll leave without him.

Not joking about that, either.


Last updated 2 years ago

Turns out there is a way to describe the dismay and disorientation people feel when they realize the community they thought they lived in isn't there anymore, maybe never was, and a fair percentage of people in it would look the other way if you got hurt, and another percentage would be happy to be the ones who hurt you.

As a member of a people who have had to flee with little more than the clothes on our backs more than once in history, I am concerned that modern people are too wound up in this type of angst to truly perceive how much in danger they are living in red states.

No, it *should* not be this way, but unfortunately it *is* this way and humming and hawing and making excuses got people killed last time. Families destroyed. People vanished and never found. Property burned to the ground, everything lost.

We're there now. We need to acknowledge that is here, and is not far behind.

#thenewinquisition #thelgbtqholocaust #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago

Conservative politicians aren't even trying to hide the fact that they intend to install a christian taliban government and ratchet up as soon as they can.


Last updated 2 years ago

@ArrestJK @prodygy @georgetakei We need other nations to start speaking out about in America and beginseriously discussing sanctions against the US.


Last updated 2 years ago

If you haven't heard, right wing hate groups have called for a day of intimidation and violence tomorrow (Sat Feb 25th) against people they want to exterminate in and everyone should be extra vigilant *all* this weekend.

They will likely target Jews and Muslims, meditation and yoga centers, lgbtq centers, women's centers, immigrant centers, people of color, other religious groups, and who knows what other targets of their bigotry and hate.

Everybody stay safe, please.

#thenewinquisition #mazeldon #jewniverse #jewdiverse #lgbtq #blm #womensrights #islam #yoga #meditation #immigrants

Last updated 2 years ago

@MikeDunnAuthor The National Council of Jewish Women is monitoring and helping to coordinate these types of lawsuits. Rabbi Danya is involved, among others. I urge everyone to support NCJW & the initiatives they're spearheading for Reproductive Rights & Freedom of Religious Practice.

We must stop on multiple fronts.

Lawsuits are just one tactic. Another is to name & shame the business owners funding christo-fascist dominionism and boycott their products and services. If we are not willing to do that, if our convenience is more important, if we continue to give $ to enemies who use it against us....we will lose.

We can't count on right wing judges to support the rights of non-christians & non-whites. They are trashing the very constitution they swore to uphold.

So act. If we win in one court, or two, that's no guarantee our rights are permanently secured. Defund the right wing oligarchy: local, state, and national scale businesses.

That's the only way to win.


Last updated 2 years ago

@StephSmith@union.place The only think we can do really is just keep saying it, publicly, over and over. Use the hashtag and call it out whenever you see it, whether it's about abortion or lgbtq rights or whatever. It's an illegal establishment of religion to legislate the bible or any other religious text.


Last updated 2 years ago

@MartenHoyle christians have always relied on violence, pogroms, coercion, falsehoods, oppression and genocide to impose their false religious beliefs. It's hard wired into their egregore. Has been all along. The can't wait to expand and spread it as far as possible, erasing any and every other culture as much as they can. Christianity is evil, both the active white nationalist christo-fascists and the silent bystanders letting them run wild.


Last updated 2 years ago

@OlDude82 @marleybits39 @WJJH @david @AmIBlue Yes, their goal is to replace scientific, historical, multicultural education with white nationalist christo-fascist religious indoctrination. They're no different from madrasas that teach jihad. And is exactly their endgame.


Last updated 2 years ago

@david @marleybits39

Yes, I know. I did a whole poster on that.

#christofascim #thenewinquisition

Last updated 2 years ago