Visto che guardo già poche serie tv, stasera ho deciso di iniziare a riguardarmi #TheNewsroom… 😎
One time I was watching #TheNewsroom and I paused the show to talk to myself about how much I loved this one character. I must have gone on for about 5 minutes just gushing about how great this character was. Then I unpaused the show and he IMMEDIATELY fell over, hit his head, and died.
The next episode was his funeral.
@JackieLeonard01 RT by @StephenMcDonell: We're live 11gmt #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻 a brace of Stephens on Mr Xi's trip to #Moscow - @BBCSteveR and @StephenMcDonell; @Theothebald explains the current market turmoil; @FerdyOmondi on chaos at opposition protests in #Nairobi...
@JackieLeonard01 RT by @StephenMcDonell: We're live 9gmt #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻 @Theothebald on falls in banking shares post #UBS takeover of #CreditSuisse; @BBCSteveR and @StephenMcDonell on Mr #Xi's trip to #Moscow; @BowenBBC on 20 years after #ShockAndAwe #Iraq;
#thenewsroom #ubs #creditsuisse #xi #moscow #shockandawe #iraq
@JackieLeonard01 RT by @StephenMcDonell: Thank you @FerdyOmondi, @MattMcGrathBBC, @Theothebald, @StephenMcDonell, and @emilythomasbbc #TheNewsroom
I know I’m 10 or 11 years late to the game, it I’ve been binging #TheNewsroom the last couple days since I’m under the weather. Holy crap are the political angles poignant for today. The news stories are dated, but the context is dead on. Just replace “Tea Party” with “Trumpism”.
Mi sono perdutamente innamorato di #TheNewsroom (e vabbè di Olivia Munn già da un pezzo) recuperandolo dopo giusto quei 10 anni di ritardo
In prospettiva, fa davvero impressione notare quante cose siano cambiate: il Tea Party, Bin Laden, blackberries, le sigle, la primavera araba, il mondo pre-Trump in una serie che ha praticamente predetto il suo avvento...
È forse la prima volta che percepisco tanto nitidamente cosa sono stati gli anni '10
@JackieLeonard01 RT by @StephenMcDonell: We're live 5gmt #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻 @neilnunes1 has the bulletin; @EsmeStallard on the #HighSeasTreaty; @StephenMcDonell in #China on the new parliamentary session and #Xi's tightening grip on power; @BBCJLandale in #Ukraine
#thenewsroom #highseastreaty #china #xi #ukraine
@JackieLeonard01 RT by @StephenMcDonell: We're live 2gmt #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻 @StephenMcDonell on the new parliamentary session in #China; @BBCJLandale on the battle for #Bakhmut; @EsmeStallard on a failure (so far) to agree on the resources of the high seas
We're live at 19gmt
#TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻
#thenewsroom #nato #ukraine #tigray #nigeria #greektragedy
An hour long edition of #TheNewsroom at 2gmt here ---> - 📻
With live coverage of the #StateOfTheUnionAddress
#thenewsroom #stateoftheunionaddress
We're live #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻
#TurkeyEarthquake #Ukraine #ChinaBalloon #Ecuador #Grammys #Beyonce
#thenewsroom #TurkeyEarthquake #ukraine #chinaballoon #ecuador #grammys #beyonce
Wenn man wg einem gerissenen Kabel kein Internet hat und sich erinnert am letzten Tag im Monat noch 13 GB auf dem Handy frei hat. #TheNewsroom 7th rewatch, S01E05 Bring it on Fukushima!
And again #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻
#Ukrain #Landmines #Pakistan #Peshawar #Blinken #Brexit #Canada #Drugs #DomesticViolence and #Eurovision
#thenewsroom #ukrain #landmines #pakistan #peshawar #blinken #brexit #canada #drugs #domesticviolence #eurovision
We're back 11gmt #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻
#mins in #Ukraine; #drugs in #Canada, #Strikes in #France and #Eurovision in #Liverpool
#thenewsroom #mins #ukraine #drugs #canada #strikes #france #eurovision #liverpool
We're back #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻
#Israel #Blinken #Nato #Ukraine #India #Nigeria and #BarrettStrong
#thenewsroom #israel #blinken #nato #ukraine #india #nigeria #barrettstrong
#TheNewsroom 3. Folge, 1. Staffel. US Kongresswahl im Jahr 2010. Man könnte meinen es spielt vor 6 Monaten. Eine wirklich unterschätzte und in Deutschland kaum bekannte Serie. Wir sind beim 7. Rewatch. Es ist einfach nur gut und schön. Wenn ihr die paar Euro bei Amazon prime und ein bißchen Zeit habt, es lohnt sich wirklich. #lol=LotsOfLove
We're live here #TheNewsroom here ---> - 📻
#thenewsroom #Zahawi #israel #obesity #tunisia #peru #tomverlaine
Sollte immer mal wieder gepostet werden. Wird nicht weniger aktuell. Im Gegenteil (wir machen gerade rewatch nr. 9, da wird die nächsten Wochen mehr kommen). #TheNewsroom #AmericaIsNotTheGreatestCountry
#thenewsroom #americaisnotthegreatestcountry