#JelaniCobb is the Dean of the School of #Journalism at #ColumbiaUniversity. In a commentary in #TheNewYorker about a #TrumpPardon , he points out that “#DonaldTrump was effectively preemptively pardoned before he was born!”
#EqualJustice is needed to #SaveAmerica because #WWG1WGA is #truth.
#jelanicobb #journalism #columbiauniversity #thenewyorker #trumppardon #donaldtrump #equaljustice #saveamerica #WWG1WGA #truth
On Charles Dickens as “sentimental, theatrical, moralistic, and controlling” (Zadie Smith) — and the end of “Our Mutual Friend”. #111Words #CharlesDickens #OurMutualFriend #Novels #TheNewYorker #ZadieSmith #Sentimentality #Theatricality #Moralism #Controlling #Paranoia https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/on-charles-dickens-as-sentimental.html
#paranoia #controlling #Moralism #theatricality #sentimentality #zadiesmith #thenewyorker #novels #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #111words
📰 Is Elon in a K-Hole?
“Associates suggested that Musk’s use [of ketamine] has escalated in recent years, and that the drug, alongside his isolation and his increasingly embattled relationship with the press, might contribute to his tendency to make chaotic and impulsive statements and decisions.”
Musk's "answer" on Twitter was distraction vs. denial:
"Tragic that Ronan Farrow is a puppet of the establishment and against the people."
Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule — good for Ronan Farrow— taking on that son of bitch! Give him the fucking treatment. Give Musk the Harvey Weinstein remedy ! #thenewyorker #musk #ronanfarrow https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule
#RonanFarrow #Musk #thenewyorker
the typo in this teaser headline from #thenewyorker is the kind of thing they used to make fun of people for. oh for the days when we could afford to snark about the lowly folk without competent proofreaders.
Special online The New Yorker issue, "Bottlenecks", dedicated to climate solutions.
#ClimateCrisis #TheNewYorker #GlobalWarming #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange <— not an appropriate term any longer...
#climatechange #climatecatastrophe #globalwarming #thenewyorker #climatecrisis
"Special Skills
—Habitually late in meeting: people, deadlines, expectations. Triple threat."
#humor #AparnaNancherla #TheNewYorker
#thenewyorker #aparnanancherla #Humor
For those of you still streaming music
A few comments on #TheNewYorker article on #streaming #ClassicalMusic.
#thenewyorker #streaming #classicalmusic
Too funny. And true.
"Sorry for the Delayed Response"
By Susanna Wolff
Brilliant 'cause it's true...
"Sorry for the Delayed Response"
By Susanna Wolff
Apparso per la prima volta nella primavera del 1990 sul #TheNewYorker questo #atestabassa” è uno degli scritti più atipici del Re #stephenking E’ lui stesso, nella breve introduzione di tre righe, a dircelo. Il Re ci comunica che quello che stiamo per leggere non è un suo “solito” racconto, ma un saggio. Così ci troviamo sul campo con la squadra di #baseball della Bangor West che milita in una delle categorie...
http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=19429 #libro #libri #mastolibro #mastolibri #leggere #lettura
#thenewyorker #atestabassa #stephenking #baseball #libro #libri #mastolibro #mastolibri #leggere #lettura
I'm already a subscriber of The New Yorker, but their website still keeps showing me "subscribe NOW ads". I'm already giving you money, stop showing me ads! So annoying!!
Artwork by Owen Smith 🇺🇸
Publication: The New Yorker 🌇
Title: Paperback Riders (1995) 🚇
#thenewyorker #Mastodon #MastoArt #Art
you let the reins go slack to have a nap
Alfred Corn
#gravity #thenewyorker #alfredcorn #poetry
« As a kid, I was told that one day I would lose my sight. Recently, I went to a residential school for the blind, where I learned to live without it. » How to Be Blind : https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-weekend-essay/how-to-be-blind #Essai #Sens #Vue #Réadaptation #TheNewYorker
#essai #sens #vue #readaptation #thenewyorker
An excellent profile of author Samuel R. Delany by Julian Lucas for #TheNewYorker
#thenewyorker #author #delany #scifi
Demain, les robots gouverneront le monde.
CONFIRMADO: #TheNewYorker reporta que actualmente hay 45 proyectos en desarrollo basados en los juguetes de #Mattel para cine y TV, además de #Barbie y #Barney 🎬 Entre las IP más destacadas de la marca de juguetes están #HotWheels, #PollyPocket, #Thomas y #BobElConstructor
#thenewyorker #mattel #barbie #barney #hotwheels #pollypocket #thomas #bobelconstructor
tfw you finally have enough discretionary income to lash out on a (discounted, introductory offer) subscription to #TheNewYorker.
Time to go back to all of those links I saved for the day when the paywall was no barrier.
Props to @Dhmspector for the tweet and @dropbear for the boost of the article about #StocktonRush and the #Titan. You gave me the nudge I needed. Muchas gracias.
#thenewyorker #stocktonrush #titan
Daily dose of despair: "How Plastics Are Poisoning Us"
#thenewyorker #microplastics #recycling #waste #plastic