Taping episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation of Sat 1.
Of course they were dubbed in German. Imagine my surprise when I heard the crew’s original voices in English for the first time. Mind blown.
#HashtagGames #lifewithouttheinternet #startrek #tng #thenextgeneration #video
How much of a nerd is Geordi LaForge? He takes a girl on a holosuite date and for mood music, he selects the theme song to Tetris. That's how much. Dude, yer never gonna score with Henshaw, dog.
Boy, Picard sounds pretty preachy and "mine-not-thine" about death in Star Trek TNG: The Bonding (s3, e5), given what we know about Picard's own history of avoidance in 2023. But it's really, really interesting watching from what used to be a bit of a lackluster episode. #StarTrek #TheNextGeneration
That song always reminds me of the Star Trek Next Generation episode #TheRoyale where the crew finds this casino on an uninhabited planet where the same bad novel plays out repeatedly…
#theroyale #startrek #thenextgeneration #HashtagGames #songcharacterslifeafterthesongwasover
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #StarTrelTheNextGeneration — Progression of Stardates by Episode
#startrek #thenextgeneration #startrelthenextgeneration
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #StarTrelTheNextGeneration — Progression of Stardates by Episode https://ibb.co/vkLm2f5
#startrek #thenextgeneration #startrelthenextgeneration
Lol, I tended to miss that episode on tv when watching #TNG as a kid so I only saw it upon rewatching to series in recent years, and that was my thought exactly.
We’re still warping merrily and fast as we can in subsequent episodes and films. Kind of wonder about that in-universe explanation for how they solved this problem…
#tng #startrek #thenextgeneration
It was about a decade ago that I was inspire to watch the Star Trek TNG episode “The Measure of a Man” (S2E9) after listening to a discussion about it on a Neil DeGrasse Tyson podcast. I’ve been a Star Trek fan since!
I rewatched that episode a few nights ago and it’s as fantastic as ever. Classic Picard speech, still-timely subject matter. Was even used to set up plot points in ST:Picard.
(Still canceling that Paramount Plus membership though)
#tng #thenextgeneration #startrek
Another thing about #StarTrek #TheNextGeneration is that Riker is always saying thing like:
"Hmm I'll have a good think about her in the holosuite later!"
But I'm under the impression the doors of the holosuite don't have locks on them so anyone can just walk in.
So do they have a special sign they put on the door or a special code:
"Just so you know. When you go down to the holodeck, Riker's having one of his 'work outs' ..."
Star Trek does REALLY good courtroom episodes #MeasureOfAMan #TheNextGeneration #AdAstraPerAspera #StrangeNewWolds #StarTrek
#measureofaman #thenextgeneration #adastraperaspera #strangenewwolds #startrek
Hassley Crusher! -- Zum Glück fiel uns das erst in seiner letzten Folge ein. (sim) #TrekAmDienstag #StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #JourneysEnd #WesleyCrusher
#TrekAmDienstag #startrek #thenextgeneration #journeysend #wesleycrusher
Data: Into the Spinerverse. (t a d) #TrekAmDienstag #Masks #StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #StTNG
#TrekAmDienstag #masks #startrek #thenextgeneration #sttng
Anyone think Captain Picard might be trying to get rid of his used Horgan in a yard sale? Exchange it for a few holodeck credits or some scarves?
#startrek #thenextgeneration #scarves #risa
Random awesome Star Trek dialogue:
"I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause."
'The Next Generation' season 4, episode 11 'Data's Day'.
Side note, this episode includes a tap dance by Gates McFadden and Brett Spiner, which, along with the above, and a dash of Romulan threat, makes it one of the funner episodes of the franchise.
#startrek #tng #data #thenextgeneration
Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard wears an emerald green silk satin v-neck casual blouse like a fucking king! I particularly love the three-quarter length sleeve. I'd love to see Pedro Pascal recreate this look.
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #PatrickStewart #CaptainPicard #Jean-Luc
#startrek #thenextgeneration #patrickstewart #captainpicard #jean
OK. Here's the most important #StarTrek question I know we all need an answer for:
Why are they called Turbolifts?
Why aren't they just called Lifts?
Or even, Elevators?
#thenextgeneration #ds9 #StarTrek
Gry komputerowe:
Premiera „Star Trek: Resurgence”
23 maja 2023 miała miejsce premiera „Star Trek: Resurgence”. Nie graliście jeszcze? To popatrzcie co tracicie ;)[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #StarTrek #gry #DeepSpaceNine #GryKomputerowe #Spock #Resurgence #Giereczkowo #Riker #WilliamTRiker #Następnepokolenie #TheNextGeneration
#fahrenheit_zin #startrek #gry #deepspacenine #grykomputerowe #spock #resurgence #giereczkowo #riker #williamtriker #nastepnepokolenie #thenextgeneration
Zo. Nu jullie weer. 😀🖖
#Enterprise #EnterpriseD #NCC1701D #StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #StarTrekPicard #StarTrekOnline #StartrekPicardSeason3 #trek #paramount @TerryMatalas #MakeItSo #TNG
#tng #makeitso #paramount #trek #startrekpicardseason3 #startrekonline #startrekpicard #thenextgeneration #startrek #ncc1701d #enterprised #enterprise
Wie immer fühlt sich die gigantische Kleinstadt #Enterprise eher nach „Lindenstraße“ an, überschaubar eben. Klar, Statisten kosten Geld. Erst bei #DS9 haben sie das endgültig begriffen und wer eine Promenade ins Studio pflanzt, muss die auch bemornen. (m i) #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TheNextGeneration
#enterprise #ds9 #startrek #startrektng #thenextgeneration