The Labour Party created the NHS in 1948 to work for patients, not profit. Ask Keir Starmer to commit to reinstating our NHS as the fully public service it was founded to be. Sign the petition now 💙 #ReinstateTheNHS #OnlyTheNHS #TheNHS
#thenhs #onlythenhs #reinstatethenhs
Sign the #petition: Only the #NHS trains doctors and nurses, has A&E, and doesn't cherry-pick patients. Private healthcare cannot fix the waiting list crisis. Politicians must invest in our NHS, not in private healthcare. 💙 #OnlytheNHS #TheNHS #NHSPrivatisationKills
#nhsprivatisationkills #thenhs #onlythenhs #nhs #petition
They have been running down the NHS for years. Now in the aftermath of a pandemic when it served us so well, they want to exploit its weakness and make money for themselves and their buddies. The Tories sicken me!
#TheNHS #ToryFascists
#TheNHS We should listen to David Tennant not Steve Barclay