Mittwoch geht's in das nördlichste Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein.
Mal sehen, was das #Wacken Open Air in 2023 zu bieten hat. Musikalisch freue ich mich auf #Knife , #Bloodbath , #Helloween , #Kreator und #TheNightEternal.
Wie das #Wetter wird, werden wir bald sehen. #Rain or #Shine ???
#wacken #knife #bloodbath #helloween #kreator #thenighteternal #wetter #rain #shine
I just finished #TheNightEternal - the third book in #TheStrain #book #series. The conclusion to the book series was much better than the #TV version as I've said before, and reading the books has officially killed my desire to watch season 4 of the TV version. If you don't read much but you like #Sifi and #vampire stuff, please do consider purchasing The Strain. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'm going to bed now, and I hope that I don't wake up at 4:00 PM again, because that sucks.
#thenighteternal #thestrain #book #series #tv #sifi #vampire