I read a lot of historical fiction over the last few yrs-books focused on female heroines in WWII. The French Resistance always stands out. I learned much about the occupation of Paris, the Vichy govt as German puppets, etc. The book that stood above the others for me, and still sticks with me is #TheNightingale by #KristinHannah. Based on the true story of a French woman who took many Jewish children to safety. And most of the town helped. So good!
#thenightingale #kristinhannah #books #authors #frenchresistance
Top 20 Films of 2019 http://hub.me/andS3 #topfilmsof2019 #moviereviews #list #top20 #bestof #2019 #film #movies #TheLighthouse #TheNightingale #DoctorSleep #Midsommar #FirstLove #TheArtofSelfDefense #JojoRabbit #AvengersEndgame #ToyStory4 #LastBlackManSF #MarriageStory #Parasite #Deerskin #IntheShadowoftheMoon #KokodiKokoda #TheGangsterTheCopTheDevil #StevenUniverseTheMovie #ColorOutofSpace #WeatheringwithYou #RobertEggers #JenniferKent #TakashiMiike
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