@F4JWJ @dj3ei @n6cta @N1ZZZ I originally intended to use the TR-45 for #TheNobleMode , but decided against it because of the relay wear; I'd have been sending using the straight key input, via one of the circuits on that site.
I'll use the FT-818 for Hell On Wheels (mobile), with a Digirig interfaced to it instead.
No takers for #TheNobleMode #Hellschreiber #FeldHell for the last hour, going QRT to walk the dog. But I will schreib again!
#feldhell #hellschreiber #thenoblemode
Calling CQ on 14.064 using #TheNobleMode #FeldHell #Hellschreiber
#hellschreiber #feldhell #thenoblemode
@N0ZB @ingalls @thebaldgeek Hellschreiber is magnificently silly. The Noble Mode we call it.
There's an international club and several weekly nets, btw. https://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/
#feldhell #hellschreiber #thenoblemode
People who don't know yet should check out https://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home.
I'm 6709 :)