Il 06 Luglio 2022 veniva distrutto un #TempioMassonico: le #GeorgiaGuidestones!
La distruzione di un tempio ha un profondo significato #occulto, nella tradizione #occidentale.
Ma per capire il significato di tale gesto, bisogna prima capire come e perché il #Tempio distrutto sia stato eretto.
Qui un bell'articolo de #TheObserver, che spiega i retroscena di questo particolare tempio massonico.
Fraternità e LVX!
Articolo ➤!Aq_Mmb44iiPWkBCevwtHd0i2xeB3?e=mwEev6
#insegnamentodellavia #tempiomassonico #georgiaguidestones #occulto #occidentale #tempio #theobserver
Everyman cryptic got spicy!!! When did they start putting swear words in the observer crossword?!
Have I had too much fizz?
5d moaned, attacked with teeth - and again, removing heart (7)
#crossword #TheObserver #cryptic #swears #sweary #fizz #prosecco #puzzle #sunday
#crossword #theobserver #cryptic #swears #sweary #fizz #prosecco #puzzle #sunday
The Bell Spaceship Paradox
"This #Paradox Took 17 Years To Solve. It's Still Debated." - #TheScienceAsylum
#ScienceAsylum #NickLucid #PhilosophyOfScience #Relativity #GeneralRelivity #SpecialRelativity #Observer #TheObserver #BellSpaceshipParadox #ReferenceFrame #InertialReferenceFrame #Acceleration
#acceleration #inertialreferenceframe #referenceframe #bellspaceshipparadox #theobserver #observer #specialrelativity #generalrelivity #relativity #philosophyofscience #nicklucid #scienceasylum #thescienceasylum #paradox
Pink News: Columnist James Wong quits The Observer newspaper citing ‘institutionalised transphobia’ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #TheGuardian #TheObserver #transphobia #Identity #Trans #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #theguardian #theobserver #transphobia #identity #news #uk
James Wong has resigned from #theobserver over its institutional transphobia @sindarina
Summit "held in high secrecy to address the failings of Brexit and how to remedy them in the national interest".
#brexit #fbpe #ukpolitics #theguardian #theobserver
William Innell Clement (pic: c1780-1852) was a patron of boxing & newspaper proprietor who purchased #TheObserver in 1814, The Morning Chronicle in 1821, & Bell’s Life in London in 1824. Contributors to The Morning Chronicle include #WilliamHazlitt & #CharlesDickens
#HarryHolt #Holt #Genealogy #Bareknuckle #Boxing #Pugilist #Regency #Georgian #C18th #C19th #History
#theobserver #williamhazlitt #charlesdickens #HarryHolt #Holt #genealogy #bareknuckle #boxing #Pugilist #Regency #Georgian #c18th #C19th #history
Krypto-Betrüger nutzen lockere Firmengesetze in Großbritannien aus #InvestiertnativeJournalismus #pig-butcheringscams #Briefkastenfirma #Großbritannien #TheObserver #Betrug #FCA
#investiertnativejournalismus #pig #briefkastenfirma #Großbritannien #theobserver #Betrug #FCA
Crypto scammers abuse 'lax' UK company laws to fool victims: Report - A report suggests companies are able to register in the U.K. very... - #investigativejournalism #pig-butcheringscams #theobserver #shell #fca
#fca #shell #theobserver #pig #investigativejournalism
The AI Ethics War Will Make the Content Moderation Debate Look Like a Picnic by #TheObserver
#ChatGPT #ethics #edtech #edtechSR #TechCorrection #MediaLit #MediaLiteracy via @neif @edtechsr
#theobserver #chatgpt #ethics #edtechsr #TechCorrection #medialit #medialiteracy #edtech
An interesting article from #TheObserver by Kenan Malik about diversity, tolerance and academic and religious freedom.
#ListeningNow to Cartography by Arve Henriksen. Henriksen creates a remarkable acoustic soundscape which is well described in this review from #TheObserver
The arts are increasingly a profession of the well-off in the United Kingdom:
#guardian #theguardian #arts #art #performing #garyoldman #jamestapper #observer #theobserver #unitedkingdom #uk #britain #class #lowerclass #representation #diversity #workingclass
#guardian #theguardian #arts #art #performing #garyoldman #jamestapper #observer #theobserver #unitedkingdom #uk #britain #class #lowerclass #representation #diversity #workingclass
If anyone remembers my slightly grumpy post about the missing supplement from my Sunday paper, my tweet (yes, tweet!) was seen by one of The Observer's editors, now I have this. Proof that not everything on Twitter is awful.
#customerservice #newspaper #win #theobserver #twitter
Any Guardian/Observer readers here? I've been to two different shops in Cardiff this morning, not one copy of today's Observer had the food magazine in it, and staff said nothing additional had been delivered for them to insert. Has anyone in Cardiff/Wales actually had a copy?
#Guardian #TheGuardian #Observer #TheObserver #Fail #Sunday #Cardiff #Wales
#Wales #cardiff #sunday #fail #theobserver #observer #theguardian #guardian
Back home from a walk around Insole Court and Victoria Park. Walking through Insole Court reminded me that 3 years ago The Observer newspaper printed this photo of mine of one of the japanese maple trees in the grounds of Insole Court (the theme was 'blaze').. The photo was about the size of a stamp, mind, but they did print it!
#Photography #trees #Llandaff #Cardiff #Wales #JapaneseMaple #Blaze #TheObserver #Newspaper
#newspaper #theobserver #blaze #japanesemaple #Wales #cardiff #Llandaff #trees #photography